By the way...

Nov 15, 2003
Cotter, Ar
Seeing as how my smart ass has starting posting things, and I am new here, I might as well give some background info. If you have frequented the Maidens site, you may have seen my name (my own personal 15 minutes of fame!). Why it took me so long to join up here, I will never know. I have been a metalhead for 17 years now, though I enjoy all kinds of music. While Metallica has been my metal mainstay, Iron Maiden, Pantera, and some others have always been there at the core. Been playing guitar for 7 or 8 years now, though not with any band to speak of, so if anyone is from Phoenix, look me up! Thats all I guess, time for my "Larry King" outro (dot dot dot)...

"Rock and roll all the way, 'cause god-dammit, its all we got left thats right and true!"
I just found out about Creeping Death's show up in the booth while reading a local mag last night, had I known earlier I probably would have tried to make the show. Cooperstown seems like a cool venue.
bestwestranger said:
so if anyone is from Phoenix, look me up! Thats all I guess, time for my "Larry King" outro (dot dot dot)...

"Rock and roll all the way, 'cause god-dammit, its all we got left thats right and true!"
welcome! is your name best we stranger, or best western ranger, or best west ern ranger, or wot!!!!!!! :loco:
i think we have a newyearsblockpartyshowinaz. damn, forget thecity.
Jen: No! I didn't hear about the show! I am stuck listening to country music at work so I guess I missed any advertising for know, after three years I am actually starting to enjoy country music. I guess brain washing really does work after all!!

Sarah: It is actually "Best West Ranger". Alot of people get hung up on that for some reason...
Hope you guys do make it out here, the Tempe show was definatly kick-ass. I enjoyed watching you play. Nothing but leather pants, a guitar, and a flyin' mess of blonde hair...gotta love it! :kickass:
The New Years show will be at the Tempe block party in Tempe, right on Mill Ave not too far away from the other Tempe show. Should be a blast.