Bye Bye Geoff, Hello Queensryche!

I stopped caring about anything queensryche or geoff tate do a long time ago. They've released some great albums in the past and "operation mindcrime" is one of my all time favorite metal albums but they stopped writing music worth listening to after "promised land".
I'm very curious to hear some new material. The new singer is awesome sounding. But like Kimon, I haven't been interested in anything they've done for a long time. Empire was the last album for me. And QR without DeGarmo is still not quite QR. But, as I said...I'm still curious and anxious to hear some new material.
Geoff was an awesome singer back in the days, but contrary to La Torre he just can't pull it off anymore. On the other hand.. I don't think Queensryche will ever again release any interesting material.
Kind of reminds me of talking to Mike Wilton at the bar after a day of NAMM 6 years ago. He was perfectly happy to talk about his band Soulbender, but he pretty much talked about Queensryche like it was a day job. "The guy who could pull the good melodies out of the singer won't play in the band anymore." At the time, Mindcrime II was going to be coming out, and asked him about that. "I tried to get some metal stuff on there, but the singer has to like it or it just won't happen."

So it sounds like this sort of thing has been brewing for years if not decades.
We played with Queensryche not too long ago and while Geoff did really well.....the band pretty much sounded bad all around. I was bummed as I am a huge fan.
As I've already stated in the first thread about this (the Rising West thread), until any single member of Queensryche shows that they can write a decent song, let alone a whole albums worth of tracks that would make me want to buy a while disc of theirs, something they have not been able to do since DeGarmo left (even though he participated on "Tribe" which was pretty much the beginning of the suckage, he had already lost interest).

As always, individual mileage may vary. I actually hope they don't try to sound like they did in the 80's, just weak attempts at reformulating the magic of those early albums with a new singer. As and example of an old band that has survived and thrived with changes, people leaving, people coming back, but also changing musically and not trying to recreate their past glories by just copying the structures of older material, I put Iron Maiden as my example of a band that has changed with age, they keep trying something a little different each album and while some would want them to be like many of the 80's bands, touring on their older material, never releasing anything other than greatest hits, I for one like the fact that they still go into the studio and create new and different music that keeps them fresh.

Just my thoughts, nothing more, nothing less.
Pretty weird. However, like I said earlier, I think these dudes have been mailing it in for years. I first saw em live in 94 and each subsequent tour was worse than the last... ending with that fucking Cabaret piece of shit they did like 2 years back. I hung out for about 2 songs then got the fuck outta there.

Lots of talent... always liked each individual member's contributions... even the rather unsung guys like Wilton and Jackson... good luck to em, hope they churn out some cool shit.

I just saw The Cult and they played some new tracks which were surprisingly pretty solid. Unrelated in a way, but just holding out hopes another set of older guys can still put out some new quality stuff.
Today Tate´s injuction to stop the other members from using the name Queensryche was denied by a court in Washington. This is very good news imo and I hope that Queensryche with new singer Todd La Torre get their act together and release some quality music again and that they do some touring playing lot´s of the older material.

That's apparently something that Rockenfield and Wilton put together a while ago, and was supposed to be material for one of the recent QR albums, but obviously never made it through. A lot of it is just ehhh, but there's enough good material in it to give hope of a good new QR record, especially if they're gonna be playing so much of their old stuff.