
cool video, I've seen it on TV few days ago, the only thing I did'nt like is that fact they cut the song, it was short already, so why cutting away another 30+ sec ? :Smug:
Waaaaah! I hatehatehate this damn Real Player! Either it crashes or it says "server problem" or something like that! Grrrrr. *wants to watch the vid*

@Serene: Nice to see you again. What happened to your pic? I thought it was very pretty.
^i feel your pain. (heh) real player usually fucks up on my pc also, was about to add it to the list of videos i havent seen cause of it. anyway you're not missing much, of course i'd probably like it more if the resolution made it bigger than my thumbnail.
@ paINflames: ohh thanks :D nahh I just wanted to change it, but ended up deleting it lol

as for the video, have you tried downloading it with hmmm Flashget for example? it works perfectly for me, 'cuz it's pretty much impossible to watch it online straight away, it stucks, stops and etc
Cheers, Serene! That Flashget did it for me! Now I also have the video on my harddisk , not only that stupid Real Player link!
For the video itself: It's quite cool, especially Peter, Andrea and Alla wearing those shirts/blouses with black ties! But why did the cut the song at the best part?!? That short version sucks ass! Ok, still a great song, but if you know the longer version you're disappointed. Ash....
Anyway, I think I like the Same Old Song vid a bit better, the atmosphere is darker and stuff like that ;)
Am I the only one who is getting a bit tired to the white shirt and tie- combination?
I mean, yeh, I like it, but just seen too much of it by now.
Other than that I agree with paINflames with SOS being better though this one is pretty basic good stuff as well.
Hmm. I should try that Flashget as well. I don't have Real Player (only those links I keep downloading...) What a killer song, I'd so like to see the vid. Well, as soon as I get home from work..
I don't know man, I was just asking. The last time I saw Pain members, they were a little bit taller and more fat ^^