BYE!! suckazzzz

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
83 chromatose and i will be heading back to texas, where we'll stay for oh...bout a month and a half. we'll still come around here when we can. but i don't have internet at my house in texas so we'll have to go to the library as i'm so used to doing anyway. but yeah...we might not be around for a couple days.
Ugh, tell me about it. Sweet, succulent freedom is just on the horizon...but the horizon isn't till fuckin JUNE.

We're all gonna have our own ways of dealing with the depression caused by CT and Chrome's departure. Me...I choose alcohol. Good old alcohol. And Judas Priest, cause it's fuckin IMPOSSIBLE to be depressed when you're listening to "Rock Forever."
ct_thrash said: chromatose and i will be heading back to texas, where we'll stay for oh...bout a month and a half. we'll still come around here when we can. but i don't have internet at my house in texas so we'll have to go to the library as i'm so used to doing anyway. but yeah...we might not be around for a couple days.