C H E C K O U T "Down in a Hole"...acoustic cover......!!!!


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2005
Another acoudtic cover.......this time my all time Fav...........Alice in chains songs.....!!!!!......again thanx to Loki for the baddest basslines known to mankind......!!!!....and he did the final mixing too......I really had fun makin this one....alot of guitar hamonies.....hope u guys enjoy it too......!!!!!!!!.........PEAC EOUT


^ :lol: Now that you mention it, he DOES type like a squirrel probably would (if squirrels could type that is)

The strange thing is, I actually think waz could type perfectly well and for some reason chooses not to. It's the "WHY?" that's beyond me...
Looking for a Job said:

NUFF BOUT TEH TYPIN DUDERS.....!!!!!.....WAZ is all bout teh music.....lets listne to the song and be all happy .....hahaha.......or whatever it makes u feel liek...for me that song is a good reflection......i always start thinkin of waht Ive doen so far in my lilfe.....and the answer is always...A RESOURCES CONSUMING USELSSS BEING.....Yup teh bad day continues.....!!!......PEAC EOUT
Looking for a Job said:
waz will you contribute to the create-a-song thread? plz

where is that thread,,,,,point me towards it....and I sahall do wahtever I can to the best of my non-existant talents,..........PEAC EOUT
Looking for a Job said:
it's called "record a riff anyone"

right now Im makin DInner....then I haev a tudnet comin in for guitar laessons........so Im booked for the day....though tomorrow I might have some free time...Id love to do that then.....no worries.........PEAC EOUT