Cab comparison

Cab1 slays Cab2. It's tighter and actually has some low-end and definition (Mesa OS?). Cab2 is buzzy and lifeless in comparison. Is 2 actually a Cab or an impulse (I am more than likely wrong, but it sounds a little fake)?
They're both good but I prefer 2

1 has a weird tone in its low-end. Like not the tone is weird but I can hear a sort-of low sine wav during the palm mutes. Check that out and maybe you can make it better than 2 but it annoys me too much.
I have listened to both clips about 8 times now and i have to agree that cab 1 has some weirdness in the low-end. IMO cab 2 fucking owns.
I personally liked cab 1 more, but cab 2 rocked the casbah pretty hard too. I would keep both but use them in different circumstances.
Both sound too scooped to me, and the mix is kinda ear fatiguing (I think it might be the cymbals and the attack on the drums, as well as the limiting), but I honestly don't hear much of a difference - still, I'd say in this particular situation that I prefer 1 (which I'm certain is your Recto cab, so I'm curious what 2 is ;))
cab 1 :kickass:

Its just tighter and cab 2 sounds good but a little flubby or boomy on the low end for me. I love this tone though personally....
haha aight guys so basically I am going with cab 1 bc I agree it seems to work better. Atleast to my ears. Now I didnt want to seem deceitful in anyway but its my pod juggling between the Treadplate (cab1) and the v30 cab. I knew if I said it was my pod I would probably get some of the, "I knew it was a pod, bc it sounds too digital talk". But I really appreciate everyones input. Just until I move I dont have the means to mic up my oversized cab. But thanks so much for the help dudes! You rule!