cabinet help


New Metal Member
Apr 11, 2002
medina NY
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i got a crate tv-412-ev cabinet. even with the bass all the way down it vibrates like a honda civic with a system.ive checked to make sure everything is tight, and the speakers look fine, no tears or anything, although i did see the magnets were chipping, probably cuz of the vibrating. the cabinet supposedly handles 800 watts, and its never seen over 100 watts and its an 8ohm cab , and obviously im running it on 8 i dont understand why its vibrating so bad. it makes recording really hard cuz all you can hear is"brrrrrrrp brrrp brrrp", any ideas on what could be wrong with it?
You mean you get rattling noises from the cab? In that case it must mean that something is loose. It could be a wood panel somewhere or something.

I don't think the magnets on the speakers should be chipping from anything short of direct violence(?). I've never seen that happen before.

I would suggest taking it to an experienced tech to get it sorted out. I would guess the problem is in the cab's overall construction.
