cabinet question for recto amp


Mar 18, 2010
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if you could help me. I used to have a 4X12 recto (oversized cab) that i quickly sold (couldnt get rid of it quickly enough) for a traditonnal (stilleto) cab.

BUT.. that was with the mark head. I just dont think they fit nicely, and the stilleto sounds so much organic.

Now that i got a racktifier i need a new cab but this time a 2X12 cause i already have a couple 4X12's to lug around.

Do you think that with a recto head, the recto cab will sound like it finally fits (which is why i didnt like it with the mark because it didnt) or do you expect that its a preference thing and that if i preferred the stilleto for the mark i would still prefer it for the recto?

Just hard to figure out what to buy.. Worth mentionning that i cant try the 2X12 as i will have to order from abroad.

Any advice?
Well I dunno how the 2X12 will go but I have a 4X12 rectifier cab for my recto and the other guitar player in my band has the stiletto for his recto.

Both sound awesome, and the difference in cabs makes for an awesome tone blend. So I'd say try both and see which one you like more because they're both great cabs with their own unique attributes.
I usually prefer the Stiletto cab to the Recto cab, I used to have both but sold the Recto. The Stiletto just seemed to have better midrange and it was less overbearing in the low end, and these are good qualities when you're matching a cab to the Recto, which can sometimes lack clarity and have an overabundance of low end. The Recto+Stiletto cab combination will serve you well.
I owned a Stiletto 4x12 for awhile, but sold it for a Recto 4x12 and was so much happier - the Stiletto is just super overbearing in the 400 Hz range and sounds crazy stuffy as a result IMO, check it out:

Any overabundance of low-end with the Recto cab was easily tamed by a Tube Screamer, the bass knob on the amp, and multi-band compression for the palm-mute "whoomps"
You didn't mention it as one of your options, but I'm considering switching from the Mesa 3/4 back 2x12 to a 2x12 Recto. I find that this cab is really dark and while it's great for cleans, I think it lacks "presence" for metal... I never tried a Recto cab before, but I'll go to a guitar store and a/b the two.
Well I dunno how the 2X12 will go but I have a 4X12 rectifier cab for my recto and the other guitar player in my band has the stiletto for his recto.

Both sound awesome, and the difference in cabs makes for an awesome tone blend. So I'd say try both and see which one you like more because they're both great cabs with their own unique attributes.

Great info, i was in fact hoping to hear from people with experience with both. I thought the stiletto sounded SO much better with the mark, but since i will be using them both simultaneously for my rythm sound i was thinking purely as in will i prefer the stilleto as well for the recto but hearing from you it seems like they would blend nicely. Though granted i dont know if the same thing applies to 2X12 since i have never tried one

Thanks man

PS: no mesa boogie in my country so as i said in the first post wont be able to try them (if i was i wouldnt bother you all!!)

I sold the recto to a friend here but he is currently not available for me to go A/B them
I usually prefer the Stiletto cab to the Recto cab, I used to have both but sold the Recto. The Stiletto just seemed to have better midrange and it was less overbearing in the low end, and these are good qualities when you're matching a cab to the Recto, which can sometimes lack clarity and have an overabundance of low end. The Recto+Stiletto cab combination will serve you well.

Oh sorry for the stupid question but just to make sure you are saying youre using the stiletto cab with the recto and you prefer as well? or that you use it with another amp?

Yes i hear you about the recto and that is my main thinking should i accentuate the characteristics of the recto (especially since i am blending it with the mark V/stiletto) with the recto cab, or look for balance like you described above.

Also none of what i am talking about matters if what applies to 4X12 doesnt apply to 2X12's. Id really like to know that

I owned a Stiletto 4x12 for awhile, but sold it for a Recto 4x12 and was so much happier - the Stiletto is just super overbearing in the 400 Hz range and sounds crazy stuffy as a result IMO, check it out:

Any overabundance of low-end with the Recto cab was easily tamed by a Tube Screamer, the bass knob on the amp, and multi-band compression for the palm-mute "whoomps"

great, i didnt know about that thread! lemme check it out. Thanks!!

(btw you mentionned multi band compression but what about live application do you use a dedicated unit for that live as well? Ok lemme shut up for now and check the thread before i start asking stupid questions.
You didn't mention it as one of your options, but I'm considering switching from the Mesa 3/4 back 2x12 to a 2x12 Recto. I find that this cab is really dark and while it's great for cleans, I think it lacks "presence" for metal... I never tried a Recto cab before, but I'll go to a guitar store and a/b the two.

Dam man it took me a while to understand what you meant! Its a misunderstanding man im sorry.

I dont have a 3/4 back 2X12. What i meant is i have a couple of 4X12's (2 stilettos fed by two mark V's), and now that ill be blending the recto ill need three cabs so i fihgured id get a 2X12 instead of a 3rd 4X12. Which is why you read it as "instead of lugging 3/4 12 or something! :)

Man i wish i could go to a guitar store and try one.. Not much gear where i live.

PS:wont be using the recto for clean just that recto riffing sound.

Here you go... I have it hosted on my website.

I bought the Stiletto/Traditional after hearing this comparison.

Yarrick yarrick i owe you!

When i had the recto cab before i sold it i was able to A/B it with the mark series (mark V and TA) and the stiletto slaughtered the recto! (imo of course) but i was wondering how it would do with the recto head. Or if it would be good to mix both.

Ill check it out right now. Thanks a lot man!!!!!

PS: i guess what applies to 4X12 applies to 2X12's as well??
FWIW - I used a Recto cab with my Mark IV as my main rig for a few years and it sounded great. I sold that rig and ran a different amp for a while. Now days, a Dual Rectifier is my main amp. I was using a Traditional cab with it for a couple years, and never was really that happy with it. I finally bought a Standard/Oversize cab about a year-and-a-half ago and have been using that ever since. Just for grins, I compared the two again yesterday, and the oversize has much better clarity to my ears. The traditional cab sounded muffled, and unfocused with that 400Hz boost. The oversized cab had better clarity and a more 3D sound if that makes sense... Plus, it sounds ballsy. Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to use the oversize cab with either amp. Just my 2 cents...
Thanks for your opinion Steve!

And Marcus man thanks a lot for the clips!!

Dam this forum is my new occupation haha..

Guys im sorry if i keep asking the same question though but i has anyone tried and can confirm that a 2X12 works just the same as its 4X12 counterpart just like it is advertised?

Because i really cant buy a 3rd 4X12.. my back!!!
Oh and by the way guys.. It took me so long to get to understand the mark..

But the recto?>>> 12 o'clock all knobs and BAM! pretty close. That's such a releif you shouldve seen my face! Love my rackto damit!!

Woohoo :rock:!.. haha

Ok ill shutup.