CAD - Deadnation

dill_the_devil Music Editor
CAD - Deadnation
2000 - Downfall Records
By Philip Whitehouse

Someone please tell me this is a joke. It has to be. No self-respecting record label would really release this pile of total, shameless, unmitigated toss. If it is a joke, then I'm not laughing.

CAD are a trio of apparently deranged musicians with a fetish for hardcore punk sentiments, brutal death metal and sludgecore dynamics, Warner Brothers cartoons and making a damned horrible racket. Yes, I like a lot of brutality in my music - but it's got to be well executed. This record should just be executed full-stop - in the capital punishment sense of the word.

Ludicrous song introductions to ditties such as 'Chess Figurine' and 'Cigarettes? - No thanX' which sound like samples taken from the musical soundtrack of a Looney Tunes short turn out to be be more serious in intent and musically capable than the tracks that actually follow them. CAD's music warbles along in a mess of sludgy, interchangeable and uninspired riffing, gargled or wheezed vocals, chugging bass and truly atrocious drumming. I mean, REALLY bad drumming. It sounds like this guy actually tires out within about two bars of up-tempo beats in a song.

Sorry, but this record really does have no redeeming features whatsoever. It's utterly, utterly terrible. I can't see any way to recommend it to anyone, unless used as a weapon to drive your worst enemy insane with.
