Cadaver - Necrosis

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Cadaver – Necrosis
Candelight Records - 2004
By Adam McAuley


Cadaver will kill you, but you'll love it and keep coming back for more. They are an absolutely pummelling outfit, and considering that this is apparently their first full-length in more than ten years, you'd better make sure you check them out. The speeds that these guys move at are almost absurd, even eclipsing turbo acts like Defleshed at times. Drums are similarly quick, and possibly triggered by a machine, though it's very difficult to tell. This is a band that will satiate one's hunger for Slayer-type music, despite the strong death metal vibe running through the album as well.

The intensity builds from track to track, and perhaps peaks at "Goat Father" or "Unholy Death". Along with the pure punishing aspect of Cadaver, expect a sinister and morbid aura as well. It's indicated on the band’s description that their website was under government investigation. If that doesn't intrigue you enough to pick this up, I don't know what will. The performances are all very competent, which is a relief, because everything needs to be well-versed for this type of music. Vocals are also evil sounding and give the band an almost vampiric stature.

Sure there's a slight lack of originality here, and they can't keep up the same level of insanity throughout every second of the disc, but Necrosis remains quite recommended. The perfect Halloween album.


Candlelight Records’ Official Website
Cadaver’s Official Website
It's funny you mention it as a Halloween album. Shortly after popping this CD in after I bought it today, I immediately felt like it was Fall already. Maybe it was the cooler than average temperatures and the clouds, or maybe the nostalgic black metal riffs here and there on this album, or just the atmosphere of the two combined. Whatever the case, this is an awesome album which combines alot of great memorable and catchy thrash and black metal parts. Not a classic, but a great listen!