Cadaverize new album, studio vids (Swedish Death)

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Whatup rockers. The new Cadaverize album has just been released and it's wretched Swedish DM just like always! The album is called "Dominate In Carnage" and contains 5 tracks:

01 - Carnal Domination
02 - Gargled Screams
03 - Cemetary Orgy
04 - Digested Alive
05 - Dead Dimensions

The album was recorded in various studios around town during 2011 and mixed and mastered by yours truly. It's death metal in the vein of Bloodbath, Grave with maybe a hint of Autopsy in there, the classics mixed with some new stuff.

Here is the studio video with various sessions and shit: [ame][/ame]

Any questions etc about the recording process, feel free to hit me up!

The cover artwork was done by Daniel "Devilish" Johnsson and as you can see it looks balls-fucking-amazing!

And here is a youtube link to the "single" Gargled Screams:

Rock the fuck out, and check out our FB/site if you dig it! The album is avaliable from our website so download it and ROCK :headbang:
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Congrats! :kickass: sounds brutal

I know the logo is older, but was it done by the same dude? May I ask which amps were used?
The logo was done by Christopher Horst (, he kicks all kinds of ass. Great guy, great artist.

Guitars were quadtracked, two tracks of 6505 w/Randall cab and two tracks of a Metalzone into ampsims which gave a hilariously ugly distortion that was great for beefing it up. (Those are the tracks you can see me tracking in the vid, there is another vid with me recording the 6505 tracks on youtube)
yeah, finally! I would've been happier if it had been a full length, but I guess with the first EP and this one it can be considered as long as one :lol:

You know I'm a fan, dude!

Love it, the mix is slightly better than the first Ep (and there wasn't much left to improve anyways), and I love the songs, Gargled screams has these deliciously doomy parts near the end, that just complements the fast parts perfectly
yeah, finally! I would've been happier if it had been a full length, but I guess with the first EP and this one it can be considered as long as one :lol:

You know I'm a fan, dude!

Love it, the mix is slightly better than the first Ep (and there wasn't much left to improve anyways), and I love the songs, Gargled screams has these deliciously doomy parts near the end, that just complements the fast parts perfectly

I dig the mix on this one, but I'm actually itching to go back in the studio cause I got so many ideas on how to improve it hah! But this is good shit, ya'll should dig it! :headbang:
sounds great man!
only got into DM recently, like a year ago or so, digging this!

Chris Horst really is the man, the logo looks tits!
I loved the mix right from the start but it's growing on me even more day by day. Quad tracking the guitars was definitly the way to go. Can't wait to start recording again :)

By the way, those of you who haven't heard the tracks from "Depictions of Gore", all of them can be downloaded at our website.
Sometimes I actually feel kinda retarded. This is one of those times. As WordPress doesn’t support certain file formats (as zip and so on) we haven’t uploaded any archives with the entire demos. Today I realized that I could just use the public function in Dropbox and upload them that way (I don’t trust regular file-upload sites as files tend to get deleted after a while). The zip-archives contains all the songs and also the covers.

Links to the CD’s in zip-archives:
Dominate In Carnage
Depictions of Gore