CAGE Management Team - 1st Reports are trickling in

CAGE management

Heavy Metal Maniac
Jul 15, 2009
Word has it that yes indeed CAGE blew the roof off the CENTER STAGE venue as the opening band of the 1st night of the PROG POWER USA X festival.

CAGE is very happy to have met all of the old metal militia CAGE followers and new metal maniacs, fellow metal / prog band members, metal media representatives, company representatives on 9/10 and 9/11 in Atlanta.

The main pleasure belonged to CAGE as they are very pleased as to how things turned out and to have been cordially invited by our now fellow metal brother in arms PP USA promoter Glenn Harveston to take part in this year's festival.

Sorry, but the reality was that there were no sponsors involved in bringing CAGE to Atlanta for PP USA X other than a long awaited phone call from Glenn and CAGE's management's fast call to action.

With Glenn facing an unexpected emergency with the multiple band derailments that hit him out of left field, CAGE answered his call within hours and rose high and mighty to face the challenge of adding firepower to this year's festival line-up and playing to one of the most demanding festival crowds known to mankind.

On behalf of CAGE and the band's management, we salute PP USA and all of circle of friends and we hope to do it again sooner rather than later (Hint -Glenn and Shane).

A special thanks goes out to CRIMSON GLORY for allowing CAGE vocalist Sean Peck to fulfill one of his dreams which was to sing for the band on the song RED SHARKS.

CAGE is a band made up of metal fans themselves and will always be a band that belongs to the people.

Benjamin N.
CAGE Management Team
I was happy to finally see Cage live and I was not disappointed! I thought they were great and put on a killer show.

Looking forward to seeing the band again soon.
I'm not huge into that kind of power metal, so I wasn't sure what to expect of Cage live. I figured I'd give them 3 songs or so. I stayed for the whole set because they were so damn good live. Definitely one of the best vocal performances of the weekend IMO.
So we were wearing our progpower usa x shirt home today and some random metalhead in the airport (in California, who didn't go to the festival) saw our shirt and was like "Did ALL those bands play at the festival?!" And then he was like "Cool, did you like Cage? They're an awesome band."
CAGE rocked. I thought for sure they'd play Forces of Freedom being that it was 9/11 and all, but then again it would have been more symbolic and probably less of a crowd pleaser. Thanks Glenn for offering them the slot and thanks CAGE for kicking off the fest something fierce. :rock:
Great way to start out Friday's festivities. I liked their live performance way more than what I heard from the sampler that was made available. Hopefully that raw energy will somehow translate to a decent product down the line.
I never really heard Cage before, but after that performance i'm a definite fan. They seriously started the festival off with a punch to the gall bladder. I like that.
Cage was amazing on and off stage. This year was even better on bands being more social and laid-back than last year; Cage had to be the nicest and most appreciative band, member for member, that I was able to work with over the weekend.