Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Haha my gf said the same thing. Alas I don't get to play that much and doubt I've improved that much at fps. Whilst I like multiplayer, I hardly think the $100 pricetag is justified considering it's essentially just a couple of new maps. If the singleplayer mode is gonna be so shit then just release a dlc map pack. Obviously it wouldn't sell as much as a 'whole new game'. They've worked their way into a great business model. Sorry for my nonsensical ramblings. I'm just frustrated at a franchise I've supported or nearly a decade when their primary product was a single player fps.

May be $100 where you're at, but it's only $60 here, unless you want the $100 "Elite" edition, which I couldn't give two-shits less about. lol. The new game does have some cool new changes to multiplayer... nothing too drastic, but it seems like they tried to balance the game a bit more. That's just my opinion though. I also think it's cool to get new Special Ops missions and such.

I'm finding there is a major divide amongst the community though.... it seems that those that loved MW2 hated Black ops, and those that loved Black Ops hated MW2 and somewhat enjoy MW3. I'm in the latter category--I hated MW2, but played the hell out of Black Ops and love it. I hated the BlOps campaign, but multiplayer was fun as hell. I mean c'mon, who doesn't like getting a sick kill from across the map with a tomahawk ricochet?!? or an exploding crossbow arrow to the forehead? :lol:
Got to play a friend's copy tonight. I was on the fence about it, having seen videos and been unimpressed with the fact it seemed like MW2.5 (looks the same, etc.). Was exactly that when I got a chance to play it. I have MW2 and Black Ops, I don't see a reason, personally, to get this. I was really hoping they would continue the Wager Match game modes with MW3 but it looks like it's only private match for that, which means your friends or XBox "friends" need to have the game and be online, requiring way more logistics than should be to fuck around for an hour in a video game. Although, it makes sense from a certain standpoint that the Wager Matches in Black Ops were based around the COD Points system, which is apparently exclusive to Treyarch's line. Regardless, they have Gun Game et al and to me it's just silly to even have it without making it with matchmaking like in Black Ops. But I digress...

Visually it looks like a slightly sharper, slightly less hazy MW2. The sounds are basically the same. A lot of the music is even the same, like for when you unlock shit or win the match, for example. I like the MP in MW2 more than Black Ops, I feel like BO simply doesn't register shit half the time (on XBox, many others complain about the same thing), but the Wager Matches are the redeeming feature for BO. Without Wager and without any real difference in the MP, I am just not excited about MW3, probably will wait to buy this when it's on Craigslist for $20.

I realize nobody really gives a shit about my opinion on this but I felt like saying all that...
Played 4 team deathmatches yesterday. It feels much better than Black Ops, but not as good as MW2. The weapons doesn´t have "built in stopping power", so most guns have to nail at least 3 hits to kill. Sniper is good again, with quick scope and everything. Actually it´s better than ever, as the other guns are weak. How I miss the MW2 RPD...

What I hated until now are the respawn points and the old system of levelling. CoD Points was so much better, now I will have to wait a bunch to unlock the good weapons. The MK14 looks like a winner!
CoD Points was so much better, now I will have to wait a bunch to unlock the good weapons.

I echo this as well. I grew quite fond of being able to just buy attachments and shit if I had the money. Although you still had to unlock weapons with XP at certain levels.