
New Metal Member
Aug 2, 2008
If you live in the VA/DC area then check this out. My band is playing at a club called Jaxx, if you're from the area then you've heard of it, and we really need more Thrashers to show up. First of all here's our music:

The recording are self-made so please bear with us, we are currently working on an LP which sounds a thousand times better. Also, pay no attention to the vocalist in the videos, he's long gone. We play Thrash and Prog, so if you're a fan of Exodus, Opeth, Arch Enemy and Kill 'Em All-era Metallica then check us out.

Also we are looking for a bass player but we don't mean a bass player who is happy playing boring bass parts. We're looking for the next Steve Harris or Cliff Burton, if you think you have that then message us there or send me a PM here.

So the show is next Friday, August 8th. We really want to see new faces. I swear we don't dissapoint live.

Take care and dont die