Calling Bodom Fans!


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2003
New Delhi, India
Heya all!
We're a new band from India (yeah.. we have metal bands in India too!:P). We're called Acrid Semblance, n we're unsigned as of now, but we've got the attention of metal fans across India for starters... we're just trying to get a record deal, so we can record a proper full length album. We're all college kids, n hence fuck broke to record on our own. We shelled in whatever we had saved n recorded a decent demo. Check out 3 songs up for download from this EP called Soul Corrosion at

Would really appreciate some feedback n tips from Bodom fans, since Bodom are the reason we picked up instruments!

Post u'r feedback here or mail it to us at


Heil! \m/
Yep Dean.. that's our basic mission in life right now! New equipment. We've recorded this stuff on all cheap copy instruments. N everything's been recorded one take in one day flat. All five songs.
That's why we need a record deal bad, so some label backs a proper studio recording. Everyone tells us the same story.. the music ROCKS, the recording's sad.

We'll fix that soon I'm sure! :)

Thx for checking out our songs.
Anyone else heard them yet?
Well :rock:
Dude, u got out there a big attitude to rule this planet soon. Those songs are cool, but in my opinion they are recorded in the wrong way, the guitars should be a little bit louder. Everything is cool, especialy keys.
Find a record deal n' let me buy urs LP :rock: