can a fast entail the ingestion of subway tato nuggs?

I know I'm much less likely to put up with bullshit and/or people in general.

for better or worse, I find myself closing my circle of friends smaller and smaller as time goes by. fuck it, just because we used to hang out and maybe went to school together doesn't mean I really want to hang out with you. especially when it feels like more of an obligation rather than a pleasure.
it's funny because even if i have no reason to DISLIKE a person, i may just not particularly like their company, and in feeling thus, i'm not just gonna hang out with them out of guilt or a sense of duty? i mean, please.

and for that, i'm an asshole.
ah well!

p.s. nick, family? we can't even PICK them so it's like, sometimes we dont have a choice but to ditch em.
then i'm an asshole too.

i have one person that pissed me off 2 weeks ago, and i haven't called back because of that. i can't find the energy.

i had another friend i met last year, that keeps calling. how do you tell someone to their face "i don't like you, you wrecked our friendship?"

granted, i am passive-aggressively blowing them out of my life, but you get to a certain point where you've had to deal with apes 150x over, the latest and greatest diminishes in priority.

now i only yell at the really important people.
Hanging out out of obligation/duty does suck. It's a shitty feeling.

I'm the type of person that tries really hard to keep everyone happy but I feel myself coming out of that lately. Oddly, in high school I thought everyone was a hopeless dick, and then in college I liked everyone, after college I was wary of people but gave them the benefit of the doubt, and now these days I'm just paranoid/hateful and everyone is a hopeless cockmuffin again.
FuSoYa said:
By 'hateful' I of course mean 'idealist', and I get pissed when people fuck up the potential actualization of contentedness.

and the thing is, you get to a certain point where you can confidently say something like this, and not be pretentious about it.

and people will still view you that way.
what toby said is pretty accurate. like, sometimes you're let down, sometimes you fall for it, sometimes it's real and it's awesome....
I feel like a jerk because I've been writing off a lot of my 'old friends' who I just don't seem to connect with anymore. I'm just like, why keep up the charade? All we have at this point seems to be shared history and nothing more.

anyhow, it all fits into my plan to move somewhere where I don't have to deal with such things anymore. I've lived in the same place way too long and am sick of the same people. It's harder to make friends as you get older, but the ones that stick are the best.
avi said:
It's harder to make friends as you get older, but the ones that stick are the best.

again, avi, everything you said, culminating in that line, i agree with so much. the same tuggings get at me, but then the same conclusions.
i think i am personally much happier knowing the majority of people on a superficial level because once i actually get to really know them, 98% of the time all i learn is that they suck.

i have like a handful of people i can stand to talk about real things with, and everyone else is like a drinking buddy. unfortunately, most of those people i can stand to talk with are now scattered across the country, so i don't get to speak to them much, and greatly miss intelligent conversation- even if many times i'm the one to reduce it to dumb banter and stupid jokes.
there are everyday drinking buddies and then there are people you get sloshed with and wake up the next morning after you've vomited on each other but don't care, you know? sometimes it's nice to just hang out with the everyday ones, but when you've got a small group of people that you have the most fun with, why venture past that?
I really believe that there are numerous people you are "friendly" with, but if you go through life and accrue a handful of real "friends" you are very lucky. important distinction.

a friend is someone who, if you were to call them at three in the morning because you are 60 miles away, wrecked your car, they would come and get you with no hesitation.

also, true friends love walks on the beach, puppies, honesty, and xfer's sig.