Can anybody recommend some....


Ik ben lekker...
Feb 21, 2006
los angeles
...instrumental metal albums? I am a huge fan of the Jeff Loomis solo album. I'm not necessarily wanting shred, just metal instrumental stuff (they might go hand in hand though...). But anyways, I'm just looking for something pretty close to that quality and intensity. Weird is good. Help a bro out. I need some new jams.
If you like Loomis' record, than you might like John Petrucci's solo album too and if you listen to Jason Becker, you will know why Loomis sounds like Loomis. ;)

Also check out John 5's solo records! Those are amazing.

And yeah... Sleep Terror, if you can digest it. They're having a singer now though, what I find to be a mistake.

Mastodon's new masterpiece is also available in an instrumental version.
i suggest:
canvas solaris
behold...the arctopus

these are 2 of my fav instrumental metal bands

then some chilliers stuff:
sunn o)))
tarantula hawk

+1 on John 5 Albums,
and isnt there a john petrucci solo album too which is only instrumental??

Blotted Science
and Spastik Ink (i think these are instrumantal too, i cannot clearly remember, its soo long ago since i last heard them)

FUCK YES Gordian Knot, that is some soothing stuff (can get a bit boring, but overall I dig it; I've only heard Emergent though)

Also, Liquid Tension Experiment (specifically Volume 2) has some really good stuff interspersed among the requisite endless self-indulgence of the Petrucci/Portnoy/Rudess trifecta :Smug:
+1 Best instrumental band imo
....don't know if you consider it metal but Karma to Burn is mostly instrumental and really good.
Also Hella and Aluchatistas, not metal, but amazing stuff.
yeah hella!!!!!!!!!!
i also got some stuff from them lying around in my collection!!:headbang: