Can anyone advise me on something?


Aug 5, 2009
I seem to have a problem with videos from youtube which are posted on this forum

I mentioned it once before and Shobhian (Sorry if it is spelt wrong) said it was working fine on her computer

This is the problem, when I try to watch a video which is posted here, for some reason it plays for 5 seconds, stops, loads up and then it plays again only for it to stop again and so forth

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you for your time and assistance
Right cheers for that guys

I thought I might have had a virus which was buggering up my computer despite my continuous scanning for viruses
Click the youtube link and watch it outside of the forum.
I seem to have a problem with videos from youtube which are posted on this forum

I mentioned it once before and Shobhian (Sorry if it is spelt wrong) said it was working fine on her computer

This is the problem, when I try to watch a video which is posted here, for some reason it plays for 5 seconds, stops, loads up and then it plays again only for it to stop again and so forth

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you for your time and assistance

*evil eye* it's Siobhan, hahahaha. It's cool, I love the misspelliiiiings.
But yeah, buffering just sounds slow on yr end.
Yup,Soibahn is right.

Or, you could close other tabs/windows you have open (if there are any), that might help.
Oh, there is so much love in this room I could cry, this puts me in mind of a Bill Bailley sketch about Whitney Houston

"I just wanna thank everyone of you, ya all are so special in my heart"

Male in Crowd

"Sing Bitch"
