Can I get away with a post about southern rock on here?

All of the mentioned above. May i add Marshall Tucker Band, Black Oak Arkansas and Drvin and Cryin to that list.

black oak arkansas is great. its a shame they were not bigger as david lee roth and jesse james dupree basically ripped off the stage persona of black oak arkansas' frontman
So I've been getting into a bit of southern rock lately (38 special, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Outlaws) Anyone have an opinion on this genre and any suggestions for other bands in the same vein please and thank you
BLACKFOOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also BLACK OAK ARKANSAS should be heard :)
I'm late to the party on this thread - but if you want a kick ass Southern Rock band check out Blackberry Smoke. I recently got into these guys via Zac Brown Band (same label).

REALLY good stuff. Start with the new one The Whippoorwill then move on to A Little Piece of Dixie. Both are excellent releases.
I'm throw out David Allan Coe. It does not get much more "Southern" than Him (in attitude AND music). I'll also add Pantera, Damage plan, and Hellyeah if you want to keep the metal flowing......
the 2 heaviest southern rock bands are BLACKFOOT and MOLLY HATCHET. check them out

Blackfoot is sweet, I love the song 'Train, Train'

Also Clutch, I guess they could be more stoner rock but I've heard them referred to as southern.

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just posting on this to bring it back to the top so I can check out some of your recommendations thanks all :) finally have a fast enough net connection that I can watch all the video links on so will post some opinions soon

I am proudly a metal-head. I have been for over 30 years. Will always be. However, this Southern Rock stuff can eat shit and fucking die !!!

Well, maybe not....... I have been a metal-head for over 30 years. 95% of what I listen to is metal. 27 years ago 95% of what I listened to was metal as well. I am a proud metal-head, but am just as proud of the other 5% music I listen to.
