Can it be?


New Metal Member
Jul 4, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Yes! Another newbie to welcome to the boards. :)
So I suppose I'll write a short introduction to myself, or at least that's what it's meant to be. If it ends up differently I apologize in advance.
My name is Whitney, as you may have guessed, I'm 15 years old (young, I know) and in the 11th grade. Despite my age, I've already become obsessed with Metal and continue to be amazed by the talent and skill it's musicians carry. Of course this doesn't apply to all bands and their members, but I truly believe that there are only a few genres of music out there that truly show skill and knowledge of music. Metal, obviously, being one of those select few. In anycase, that's a whole different topic. To give a small sample of my tastes, my top few favorite bands as of now are Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Iron Maiden, Emperor, Immortal, Metallica - up to, and including some of, the black album, and Rammstein. Obviously I'm not limited to those eight bands, but currently they are at the top of the list. Aside from listening to and appreciating music, I play my own, with the instrument of choice being guitar and some bass on the side. I haven't been playing too long compared to many, approaching 3 years this september. However, I have no intentions on giving up anytime soon and hope to continue to expand my skills. Currently I am crushed by the fact that I am unable to attend The Unholy Alliance to see Children of Bodom when they play in Edmonton later this month seeing as I've been obsessed with them for the past year or so, and that's really all I can think to say right now. Not exactly short, but oh well.