Can someone help me with this problem?

Jun 6, 2012
It's a stupid thing I've been having with most of my mixes... I get a nice balance with the drums, bass and vox but then when I turn up the guitars, I can't get them to an acceptable level to cut through the mix just right. Should I change my approach? I tried eqing, compression, limiting, and all kind of unnecessary stuff. Only thing I did eventually was HP/LP filters and C4 to tame the low-mids.
The guitars are X50. Take a listen with the guitars and without. - Sic - No Guitars.wav - Sic - With Guitars.wav

It might be just me, but to me it sounds like the guitars are destroying the rhythm balance. Hope you get me lol thanks in advance! :worship:
I always save vocals for last. It's easier (for me) to have a solid foundation for the vocals to sit nicely into. First I bring in drums and get a good overall level on the master. Then guitars to match relative level of drums by ear so they aren't fighting each other. Then bring up bass just enough to fill out the mix and add balls, adding any grit if necessary. Then leads, synths, etc. and THEN vocals. High/Lowpass filters on the majority of tracks also.

I find this works good for most highgain/heavy mixes but I change it up sometimes depending on the song and what the mix is needing the most. This is just "my" approach as you and others might want to do it a different way which is more sonically comfortable for you. But if this helps even the least, sweet.
I always save vocals for last. It's easier (for me) to have a solid foundation for the vocals to sit nicely into. First I bring in drums and get a good overall level on the master. Then guitars to match relative level of drums by ear so they aren't fighting each other. Then bring up bass just enough to fill out the mix and add balls, adding any grit if necessary. Then leads, synths, etc. and THEN vocals. High/Lowpass filters on the majority of tracks also.

I find this works good for most highgain/heavy mixes but I change it up sometimes depending on the song and what the mix is needing the most. This is just "my" approach as you and others might want to do it a different way which is more sonically comfortable for you. But if this helps even the least, sweet.

Thanks for the tips man! I really think I have to start using real amps or at least something like a Kemper though.