Can someone tell me


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
how you put the wee cd thing on at the end of your post, so folk can see what delicious music you are listening to. I know, I know, I'm as thick as mince when it comes to these hi-tech computery things but I've been looking at how to do this for a while now and I canny see how you do it and I'm almost ready to put an axe through this computer!!!! Well slight exaggeration but if someone can explain it to me nice and simple I would be eternally grateful!
Thanks very much Paxoman. I always wondered what the Go Advanced thing was all about but never even thought to check it out. I managed to get the avatar and sig on alright but for the life of me couldn't think how you got the wee cd thing. Right I'm going to try it out now see if I can get it to work.
See I told you I was pretty dense, it didn't work. It's unreal how thick I am sometimes. Going to try it again, surely it can't be that difficult.
When replying to post I click on Go Advanced then type in Playing Now, do I tick the box that says "Quote message in reply" cos I don't think I ticked that the first time.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

HELP me or shoot me someone cos I canny get this damn thing to work. :lol: :lol:

I'll just tell you what I'm listening to then, that's nice and simple.

:grin: :grin: :grin:

Cool it worked this time, the only thing is I tried a few things and I can't remember what it was exactly that I did to make it work. I sort of think I know what it was, just trying it again.
:lol: :lol:

I know I'm slightly on the dense side that's for sure, I really shouldn't be allowed out by myself. You know it's funny I always thought you couldn't survive without a brain, but I've been doing just fine for quite a few years now lol!!!!!
Yes thank god I got there in the end Paxoman cos I was beginning to sound like a right idiot. I am actually quite intelligent but it's just the simple things that fox me like computers and MEN!!!!!!!!! No but seriously you explained it nice and simple so I don't understand why I just couldn't grasp it, it's so simple is frightening.

LOL about the blonde hair - Although I've never been blonde in my life but sometimes I come out with really really stupid and dim comments, I always say to people "Right I'm off to the chemist right now to buy some blonde dye".