Can someone upload/send me some Gorgoroth please?


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
This is just one band I never got into for some reason (just becaus I was busy with other bands!). After that interview/documentary though, I am determined to get a piece of the pie. I hear things that the old albums are the good ones, but I will trust the judgement of RC. Thanks a lot.

By the way, I made this thread so I can decide which albums to buy. I'm not trying to deprive the band of their sweet jew tokens.
Gorgoroth - Måneskyggens Slave (Pentagram, 1994). Featuring the infamous HAT (
. Actually, it means "hate") on vocals.

Gorgoroth - Sexual Bloodgargling (A Sorcery Written In Blood, 1993). This is an earlier and rawer version of the song "Ritual", which can be found on "Pentagram". Hat on vocals again.

Gorgoroth - Krig (Under The Sign Of Hell, 1997). Pest on vocals, the late GRIM on drums (of Borknagar fame, RIP) and Infernus on guitar/bass. Raw and icecold, yet somehow melodic.

Gorgoroth - Prosperity And Beauty (Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam, 2006). Gaahl on vocals, Frost on drums. This record is a glorious return to form, and should not be overlooked by fans of Gorgoroth and their brand of BM.
Didn't Lars Nedland play drums for them at some point?

Edit: oh wait, that was CF

Edit 2 : "Krig" is definitely the best song of that bunch. Awesome melodies going on.
Antichrist/Pentagram/Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam

Those are the best ones I think, the latest album was awesome!
Antichrist and Pentagram are solid Black Metal albums, but I still don't go back and listen to them as much as I do with Mayhem, Emperor, or Darkthrone.
damn, how did I miss this band back in the day? this is what i look for in black metal. for some reason i always just thought they had a mediocre blast-beat sound like Dark Funeral. probably some bullshit I heard at GMD or the Nevermore forum!
I can probably up Pentagram tommorow.. It is my favourite of theirs.

Good thing I am getting a job this summer so I can actually buy all the albums I pirate:kickass: