Someone please help me (Classical music Question)

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Can someone tell me who composes this kick ass piece of music at the end of the spiderman 2 trailer? (The music I'm referring to kicks in at about the 75% mark)

Click here to view the trailer

"The one entitled "Full Length Theatrical Trailer"

And my 2nd question is. Is there any dark/evil classical music albums out there that can send chills down a man's spine? No metal recommendations please (Unless they're strictly instrumental pieces) I fucking love this shit! So someone please help out a friend?!?!

Thanks in Advance Guys! :)
abcdefg said:
It's probably from Danny Elfman's score.

Yea I thought the same thing bro. As he was the only real musician on the soundtrack. Well I went to his website and checked the message board over there and read this reply to someone's exact same question.

"For the 1,000,000,000th time -- and this is all over the Internet btw -- the trailer music is by Immediate Music (, a music company dedicated to writing music for trailers and previews and licensing. They do not sell their music, you cannot buy it in stores and you cannot download it online anywhere.

Next time I see this question, I'm going to the admin section with "delete" on my mind"

This is beyond fucking dissapointing! Can anyone here atleast guide me in the direction of albums that sound like that clip. I'd wash a person's car for assistance!

Update! I just found an mp3 of the piece! Hallefuckingllujah! It's short but will do...For now!

Here's the clip Spiderman Trailer Clip..Absolute kick ass
BloodStainedWalls said:
Hey man. Have you ever heard the Requiem For A Dream soundtrack? That'll send chills down your spine, especially if you've seen the movie.

Never heard of it man. I just did a dozen searches to see if I can hear some samples. I ended up emptyhanded in that quest. Found some good reviews on it though!