can yngwie get more dumber?

Feb 11, 2002
i read this and freeking laughed out loud, NOT lol'd i actually chortled...
yngwie yelling 'THIS IS SPARTA, and kicking all his band members in a freeking hole....hahahahaa:lol::lol:
and 'recorded 39 songs?' Strings from Istanbul (not Constantinople):loco:

Yngwie Malmsteen recently told Guitar World magazine that his forthcoming solo album will feature his strongest lineup ever: Tim "Ripper" Owens on vocals, Bjorn Englen on bass, Michael Troy on keyboards, and Patrik Johansson on drums. "It's going to come down like a fucking atom bomb!" Malmsteen said. "We've already recorded 39 songs. I went full out. I've got strings from Istanbul, and the drums are the heaviest I've fucking heard. Ripper conveys the lyrics I write like no one else. I'll write something like 'divide and conquer' and when Ripper sings it, it really comes out that way. It's like Sparta!"
Can he get dumber? You bet your ass. This is the man who told an airline stewardess that she had unleashed the fuckin' fury. (Mentioned in the Guitar mag article, by the way.)

I'll always remember the Pantera video where the guys from Pantera offer Yngwie a donut, and he gets angry and says, "I don't fuckin' like donuts." Coulda fooled me, Mr. Viking.

The man can play some mean arpeggios, though, huh?
Dave its 'dumber' not 'more dumber.' =D

What is wrong with what he's saying? Sure... calling it the strongest lineup he's ever had is really questionable. Especially knowing who he's had in the past. But maybe he just really think that things are the best they've ever been, and that Tim is better for his music than Jeff, Jorn, etc.
Dave its 'dumber' not 'more dumber.' =D

What is wrong with what he's saying? Sure... calling it the strongest lineup he's ever had is really questionable. Especially knowing who he's had in the past. But maybe he just really think that things are the best they've ever been, and that Tim is better for his music than Jeff, Jorn, etc.

I just think he's very good at deluding himself. Besides, every album and every iteration, he says "this is the best band ever." What else can he say? "Well, this isn't my best band, but it'll do for now." After a couple of years, when he has new people, he'll slag the guys he has now.
I would love to see him locked in a concrete cell with a drunk Michael Schenker and an unmedicated Timo Tolkki. How much would be sold via Pay Per View?
it's like everything is more massive and more great and more this and more that. jeeze m crow!
i like massive amounts of donuts and my wife loves my get my point....
he had a damn massive line up with jorn, randy coven and johnny mac.

and a pay per view ego channel? great, maybe put Shane McGowan in there too just to fuck with them
I just think he's very good at deluding himself. Besides, every album and every iteration, he says "this is the best band ever." What else can he say? "Well, this isn't my best band, but it'll do for now." After a couple of years, when he has new people, he'll slag the guys he has now.

Tell me a band that doesn't say that, then I'll show you a band that sells no records.
Whoa whoa. Pics, and details plz.

Hulk Hogan might've gotten away with a bandana in court, but do ya think this Mickey Rourkean get up is the way to sway a federal jury?

In case you're a little rusty on your speed metal guitar heroes, that's fleet-fingered Yngwie (that's ING-vay) Malmsteen, the sultan of the Strat, whom we caught outside of court in New York. He's in the midst of a long legal battle with his former manager over some cash he says he's owed.

We're told that the judge tolerated Yngwie's chesty display -- though curiously enough, women in sandals and shorts were turned away. And guess what -- he just won a $400K judgment! We the jury love chest hair!

I find it alarming that those pics and the act of wearing those clothes to court make me want to buy more of his albums. F*ck it .. going to
I'll always remember the Pantera video where the guys from Pantera offer Yngwie a donut, and he gets angry and says, "I don't fuckin' like donuts."
o_Oo_O Firewind were here last night. We wen to the 7-11 with Apollo, Bob, and Gus. I said, "Hey have you guys ever had a Krispy Kreme before? It's God's donut!" Gus' answer: "I don't like fuckin' donuts," in a Malmsteen-ish voice, and then started recalling this scene from the video. I thought, "how random".... but then to come here and see it posted at relatively the same time it was being said last night = "how totally random.... and freakishly coincidental" o_Oo_O