Can you please check out my DI´s... (DI, MIDI inside)


Jul 12, 2008
Hesse Germany
The tracks were recorded with ESP LTD FX-360 (emg81). I fucking can´t get a decent tone out of these. I´m just using amsims. Can you give them a shot and tell what wrong, or what´s not? Could the behringer fucker interface be the problem? I´m stuck.. BTW: No Bass, sorry..

Preview: Check.mp3

And here are the files if wanna try. I also included drum backing track and MIDI only, you want to use your own drumsound (slate mapped). Check.rar
I thought the raw DI's sounded good when I listened to them, no real problem there in my opinion.
Also, I thought that you DID get a decent tone from the DI's, perhaps you were suffering from ear fatigue ?
I reamped them myself, the results sounds a little cluttered and messy but that is my fault and
not the fault of the DI's.

Also I really love the section : 1:45 -> 1:55