Architects - Early Grave (DI'S + MIDI HERE!!)

Damn that sounds so good! So aggressive. Turn the kick down ~2db and the snare down ~3-4db and you have my vote for best mix!! What mic did you use on the reamp?

A 3-4db drop on the snare might be a bit too much xP

57 and 421 on different cones on the recto cab.
So happy for these DI's and MIDI's.
Love this band!

This is my shot...
It was only a 45min mix on my Logicitechs (A friend has my KRK's)

Does anyone have any criticism, or points to improve upon :)
Anything would be appreciated...

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All of these mixes sound really messy and honky compared to the original. Possibly the DI's?
For anyone with the same problem as me...the tempo is 170 through out.

I think something is up with my tempo mad whenever I upload others' midi

The drum midi was driving me mad, below tempo and the volume kept jumping haha. I just did a tempo check on the bass and got 170 :D

Here is my mix! I did it on cheap £18 headphones, I'm pretty sure the cymbals are lost and there is too much bass but I can't hear shit when I mix.
Trying to get used to my new room, I hope its not a complete dezaster! haha, nice track
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