FAWK MIXING TIMEZ! : DI's & Midi included

SigmundFreud33 said:

it's pumping and shit and the mix sucks IMO. im in the middle of mixing an EP so i just kept the setting I had on my outboard the same.

Maxon OD820 > 6505 > Mesa OS > 57+421 > S20

i like the tone! =D

no vox. i didn't particularly like how you recorded them and how they were stemmed out.

Dude that's slamming.
That bass tone is ridiculous D:

Dude that's slamming.
That bass tone is ridiculous D:


PM me dude. I'd love to work with your band! DEATHCORE is my SHIT.

i only spent like an hour on this and the gtrs are straight raw. bass tone is cool but needs a lot of notching here and there.

wish i could have spent more time on drum tones and get rid of the god awful pumping.

oh, i changed the kick patterns a bit =D

Cheers man!
Charles J
I really like vocals. It's a pleasure to mix it.
I willl upload my mix today/tomorrow.


btw. Great song :)
here's another mix i worked on today because i felt like taking a break from the EP i'm currently wrapping up. VOCALS THIS TIME!


some of the pops and clipping sounds are from my quad-core maxing out... LOL. gotta render in realtime beacause i'm using the finalizer via s/pdif... :(

it's different, but it's fucking murderous. and yes, it's super loud and crushed. i know. fuck you. =D
Well here's my shot! Click moi Came straight out of my mix-buss so you might turn up the volume a little.

I'm actually very satisfied how it came out already :) Probably gonna do a little re-run tomorrow because my ears are fried.
I added some FX for the sake of me thinking it sounded cool, and also created a little outro for the fun of it :) Also you hear a little drop-out sometimes (not much thank goodness) this is because i ran the trial version of Slate's VCC on some tracks.

Hope you guys enjoy it!
omg. i could make this fucking CRUSH. give me a couple days!!!!!!!

reminds me of a band we produced; SILENCE

check 'em out:


i can see the resemblance between your mix and Silence. i know that band i used to chill with their vocalist whenever i went to daytona, good musicians. but the mix is pumping a lot and i think the bass gtr is a little too distorted. but it sounds fucking huge!
haha, yeah, resemblance is because I mixed Silence.... haha, we did the whole thing here front to back until the end.

hunter is a beast!!!!!!!


since im new to midi drums, i dont know how they work all too well, so i created my own drum track, tried to be as accurate as i could, but with my own touch. but for some reason, the drum track stopped short of the song, but it kinda sounds cool. i guess thats what makes my mix different from everyone else's, right?

ANYWHO, give me opinions!
haha, yeah, resemblance is because I mixed Silence.... haha, we did the whole thing here front to back until the end.

hunter is a beast!!!!!!!

hahah, yea hunter is a sick guitar player and vocalist. theyre all so young, the amount of potential they have in unfathomable.

if you got time, check out my version of this mix see what ya think.
