FAWK MIXING TIMEZ! : DI's & Midi included

What cab/mic? :)

I don't know what is making it "bad". But I think a 6505 can sound better before starting to fix things with EQ. It mainly has to much highs and sounds a tad undergained aswell as very... "scratchy?".


The cab is a Mesa2x12 and mic is a SM57.
Thanks for the info, I appreciate that,
I will keep those comments in mind as I continue to
experiment and learn how to record the 6505.
the main thing letting you down is the guitar tone dude, go check out some of lepou's free ampsims or some of nick crows free stuff too :)

Yea gtr tones are my weak spot!, Im on PT so I need something thats RTAS, lepou stuff is not, and I have no idea who Nick crow is!?
But i´ll keep digging till I find something Thx! :Spin:
i try and master it louder but it clips like hell.

i really dont know what im doing wrong :/

iv got ozone 4
an an ssl comp
then ozone again

heres my second attempt


Hmm. I don't use gClip at all.

For this track, my mastering chain is: 2 PSP MixSaturaror, SSLComp, Ozone 4.

I've never tried Ozone before. This is my first attempt, but it works pretty well.

Get the compressor to compress about 4dB, then use the loudness maximizer in ozone to get some volume. Don't overdo it though.
thats definately a possiblity. so if iv mixed it too loud its going to clip when i master it?
thats definately a possiblity. so if iv mixed it too loud its going to clip when i master it?

Yes, it might.

Sorry to be a pain in the side but anyone mind giving me some thoughts on this? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13494639/deadw2.mp3

The snare is a little bit... Short, dry and small.
The cymbals sound very thin and has an annoying peak. Other then that. Very good.

Very strange-sounding snare. Too much lows and to small imo. Sound supercompressed too. Is it?

Some cymbals are a little to loud, and the bass (instrument), is as stated, a little bit loud.
Other then that, very nice.