Awesome!! DI's are so well recorded. Great to work with! I hope I got all the cymbal mapping correct, it's fairly close at least. Really went for something heavy with this one and put a load of low end on it. So much so that I went back and brightened it up a bit as it was out of balance.

Anyway turn it up and blast it! Thanks for uploading this man! Helps so much to work with different material, it's a really cool track as well. Love the backing screams when they layer up with the main screams. Brutal


This mix sounds sick!!! what did you use for drums and guitars??? sounds sick man
So im gonna chime in ,but i know the mix is subpar to some contributions here... metal gets me down with mixing, i find ease to make rock sound good (lots of room in the mix for cool stuff) but with metal... my sounds always start to deteriorate because of compressing/limiting/trying to get the extreme dynamics under control

fixed a few errors in here
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And here's mine...

Drums: Superior 2.0 with third-party snare and kick samples replaced through Drumagog
Guitars: reamped through 6505 with GuitarHack's impulses (signal chain: Saffire Pro 40 -> Radial Pro RMP -> Maxon OD820 -> 6505 head, lead channel)
Bass: Amplitube Ampeg SVX, BA500 Model
Processing was all ITB, mostly with Waves plugins...

Now I don't understand what's the deal with "Lead 2" which is empty/silent, and "Lead 3" which is actually the whole song blended with the lead (which renders it useless as a DI track)...?

Anyway, comments are welcome :)


EDIT: I replaced the link/file with the newer one because I did some minor tweaks and fixes, and also reamped the lead (which was sent through Revalver in previous version...). I think this is it now...
EDIT2: Uploaded it to Soundcloud :)
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Rich, are you there? :)

I just hope you can shed some light on the "issues" that I'm having with the Leads (as I've mentioned in previous post)... I'm starting to feel weird since I'm the only one who mentioned this problem - am I missing something?

Here's my go! Drums are Slate and real Overheads (having a little trouble but i'm still learning), Guitars are PODfarm, Bass is PODfarm & Sansamp.

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Hey gusy :) i downloaded your multi tracks.. but there seems to be something wrong with the midi....there is only like 30 seconds of drums and then there are absolutley NO midi notes... :-/ i dont get it.. guitars are all there, and vocals are also missing i guess.... PLease someone help me out, i REALLY dig this track and i know the mix is gonna be great! Greetz, Erik
Hmmm, it says "Banned" under Rich's name :(
Guess we might never get those harmonies that were supposed to be on lead three.

Anyway, gonna use this for my Investigative study of three mixing handbooks.
Thanks for the mulittrack :)