Xehanort - Shinigami [CJ reamps, 8 minute prog deathcore + mixing practice!]

JohnGalloway, thanks for sharing this great material for our mixing practice opportunity!
Especially liked the moment at around 5:55-6:05 - it's really dramatic and soulful. :D

gemy87, hi!
Here's nice guitar tone in your mix, but I'd like to hear more solid kick-snare-bass bunch to bring the groove power up.

sinquestsound, hi!
I've posted a comment on YT to your mix - so do not ignore my one. ;)

Here's my mix. Actually did not want to get the vox close to the ears.

Appreciate your comments! :rock:

There's something odd with the overheads. You've probably added too much highs to it or something similar. Digging the rest though. I would like the growls a bit louder, and added more reverb and delay to move it farther back in the mix.

Why is the intro louder than the rest of the song?
Drums sounds like stock SD 2 without any processing.
Guitars are way too middy.
Sounds like it was rushed, work on it more.
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Plankis, you're quite right.
I've redone something yesterday and have just re-uploaded my mix with less brain-breaking higs and more vox. :)
Thank you for comment!

On your mix:
• Try to clean the 200-300 Hz area a little. Now there's some conglomeration. Suggest to start with bass cutting around this area.
• The vox sit nice!
• Also there's some odd ( :) ) noise witing rythm-guitars silence.

Kick and snare are really punchy at the moment! :D
But now they're pumping master-compressor - try to hide them a little, cause they're totally dominating.

What do you think about new version?
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Here's my version:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/933491/Xenahort - Shinigami.mp3

Great song and well done programming the drums! I noticed you put some effort in to it, only thing I changed was that I made the cymbals accent a new bar where it felt appropriate.

Thanks! I'm far from a drummer, so I've been working a long time to try to improve my drum programming skills. \m/
One day, I plan to buy a drum set and learn it all.

Also, glad to see everyone having fun with this! It's interesting seeing how other people would process my stuff. :D
There's something odd with the overheads. You've probably added too much highs to it or something similar. Digging the rest though. I would like the growls a bit louder, and added more reverb and delay to move it farther back in the mix.

Why is the intro louder than the rest of the song?
Drums sounds like stock SD 2 without any processing.
Guitars are way too middy.
Sounds like it was rushed, work on it more.
It WAS rushed lol. It was posted the same day as I downloaded the files. I'm not sure what you mean with the intro being louder though. If you mean the synth, it's a good bit of db below the highest peak db of the song. There's a good bit of processing on the drums too. I definitely don't agree with them sounding exactly like the stock. The stock snare has absolutely no damn body lol

Lower the distorted bass in the middle it's narrowing the stereo width a lot and are the guitars really 100 L/R? Compare to the other songs posted here, your version feels almost half ass wide as the other versions.
And the S's are killing my ears. Deess them. The vocals are bit loud at parts too.
The clean guitars that is panning around is a bit too much, not sure how you did it but if it's just a delay that's moving around try lowering it so there's a stable main track in the center.
Digging how the sample track was distorting in the outro, I may steal that.

Updated my version slightly
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/933491/Xenahort - Shinigami 2012-10-30.mp3
Removed 2 dB's from the bass around 200 Hz like Nicolas suggested. Hopefully that was enough, I believe this may be my headphones weak spot because I didn't think it was an issue. I cleaned up the overheads a little as well.

It WAS rushed lol. It was posted the same day as I downloaded the files. I'm not sure what you mean with the intro being louder though. If you mean the synth, it's a good bit of db below the highest peak db of the song. There's a good bit of processing on the drums too. I definitely don't agree with them sounding exactly like the stock. The stock snare has absolutely no damn body lol

Well when I listen to that intro with my eyes closed I wan't it to be considerably lower so when the whole band kicks in there's an obvious change in dynamics and energy. I'd suggest lowering it 3-6 dB's there, notice how much bigger the rest of the band gets if you do this.
I want your drums to sound bigger, the way I like to get that is to make a lot of use of the room mics especially the mid and far mics are great for this. Compressing the shit out of everything also helps.
No, my brain is not accurate. MIDI is fine.
Brain cmoon, 2nd attempt:
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Sounds pretty cool. I detect major The Contortionist, BOO, and Vildhjarta influence. I might play around with a mix if I find some time for it.

You're pretty close to me. I'm up in Spring Hill pretty often... I used to live up there before I moved to Tampa a few months ago.