FAWK MIXING TIMEZ! : DI's & Midi included


New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
unfortunately though theres no vocals to play with atm just DI's of guitar and bass.

and midi for the drums, drums were done with superior.

theres some orchestral bits in there too, and some lead riffs that i left affected because thats how i want them to be :)

have fun guys.

my attempt with vocals


the di's

Thanks, man!
I will definitely get to mixing this asap.

...The kick drum isn't in the drums midi file?
Oh is it not? Shit haha. I'll get on it later guys. I'm at families at the moment but I'll just get you a fresh midi file an upload that.
wanting the kick too bro! cant wait to have a go at this.

whats the tempo also? and are you going to upload the vocals at any time soon?
im going to put ALL vocals in an edit of the original thread in t-minus twenty minutes, there my vocals so be gentle :)
and the tempo is either 130 or 135 i cant right remember as its getting quite late
updated midi. and all the vocal tracks.

the singing part is a stereo track already affected because im damn lazy. and you'll notice too that some of the automation is stuck on there...once again i refer to my previous statement.

the vocals are labelled 1 through to 6 and each of em is doing something different so 1 pan left 2 pan right an so forth. hope you have fun :)
updated midi. and all the vocal tracks.

the singing part is a stereo track already affected because im damn lazy. and you'll notice too that some of the automation is stuck on there...once again i refer to my previous statement.

the vocals are labelled 1 through to 6 and each of em is doing something different so 1 pan left 2 pan right an so forth. hope you have fun :)

cheers bro! these in the updated link at the top?
Are these 2 different guitars? or 2 different players?

You should be a little more organized man...It should have all the tracks unprocessed and for the entire duration of the song, and it should include the tempo. We shouldn't have to guess where the synth track starts or what the tempo of the song is. And there are still no vocals in the zip?