Can you spot a fake smile?

Wow that was a very interesting test! I got 14 out of 20. A couple of those were really hard to say if they faked or not. :eek: I thought most of them were faking anyway, I don't really trust people.
Yeah I guess I am a bit untrusting as well. I can usually tell by the eyes and the 'reaction' change from smiling to 'netural'
No, I thought the old man's smile was easy to tell. It was the blond man, at first I thought he was really smiling but then I changed it because he blinked eyes very noticeably. And the results revealed that he wasn't a fake.
14 out of 20. Looking at my scores, I said that all the ethnic minorities were fake, and only one was. Wonder if that says anything about me?

I go by a few things: if the right side of their mouth moves higher than the left side, or if they blink, or do something funny with their lips, when going from smile to neutral-faced again.
10/20 .. i will never trust a smile again! :erk:
But I'm good in evaluating people .. I also can't say how old a person is if I don't know ..

btw @Tye: Really like your avatar! :)
Caillac said:
10/20 .. i will never trust a smile again! :erk:
But I'm good in evaluating people .. I also can't say how old a person is if I don't know ..

btw @Tye: Really like your avatar! :)

Thanks I like yours too. Very colourful and I like fantasy art.