Can you write reviews?


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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Hi guys, havent posted here in awhile. anyway i know a lot of you on here have strong opinions on what you like and don't with regards to music so i thought this would be a good place to ask.

i just started my site ( and i need some people like yourselves to write some reviews. The site is not your regular metal site because this is more aimed at underground/un-signed acts. I feel we need to promote extreme bands as much as possible and get them seen because there is a lot of good music/musicians out there we haven't or will never hear.

anyway, if you want to get your hands on some demos/albums etc to review then visit the jobs section on the site and give us an email.

anyway, sorry for the shameless advertising and hope to get some positive replies. thanks/.

And just to keep this on katatonia topic im sure we will be able to send you the next katatonia album (when it comes out) for review as an added incentive to you.
I wrote some reviews for a while ago, but I found it difficult to push myself to write something about an album that I don't care about and about a style of music that I don't know a lot about, like grind for instance. I want to listen to the music I want to hear and not to some CD's I have to listen to because I have to review them. So I quit :)
Here's a review:

The cd was not as good as their first effort.

The End.
Hi guys,

thanks for all the replies and emails!

hauntedinflamesI'd be up for this but does it only pertain to metal?

Well at the moment that would be a yes. I don't want the site to be too broad and include the spice girls alongside a katatonia review or something, it would be too offensive :p.