Canadian Teen "Influenced By Black Metal Music" Wanted To Punish Churches

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

I'm not posting this here to glorify it, I think this is embarrassing! WTF was this kid thinking??? Fucking sad!

eport: Canadian Teen "Influenced By Black Metal Music" Wanted To Punish Churches

Posted on Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 18:07:48 EST

The Chronicle Journal has issued the following report from Jim Kelly:

A teenager, who felt he had to punish churches for alleged misdeeds committed in the middle ages, pleaded guilty to a charge of arson and a second offence of break and enter while committing mischief and attempted arson.

The 16-year-old youth, who cannot be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, will be sentenced Feb. 20 in Ontario Court. Crown counsel Alec Hardiejowski said on the night of Oct. 14 the youth took a napalm-type device and used it to torch the Central Evangelical Free Church on Balmoral Street.

This brazen act was committed next to the Thunder Bay Police headquarters. The fire was confined to three back rooms.

The fire and break-in activated an alarm and police and fire department personnel responded to the fire. The youth then broke into the Evangelical Church next door and tried to set a fire there as well.

Police officers heard noises at the church and investigated to find the youth inside who challenged them “to come and get me.” They did and placed him under arrest.

Damage to both churches was estimated at about $117,000.

Defence counsel Chris Watkins said his client was influenced by heavy metal music, especially black metal music.

Full story:
I heard about this yesterday, fuckin pathetic. Not only does the kid pull the incredibly lame stunt of torching 2 churches in the name of ancestors (probably not his) in the middle ages, but then goes and blames Metal for it?! what a fucking pussy! Its people like that who bring the whole scene down...
^ Agreed x1000. I dunno if I necessarily agree with the church burnings of the 90s, but there was two things going on there. 1, it was a scene, not a very big scene, but it was a group of crazy-ass people trying to make a statement, which is far more effective than one person. 2, the whole history of Christianity in Norway and Scandinavia isn't even comparable to that of North America, which makes burning a church here far more stupid. Anyway, yeah, stupid and lame.
so all of you are so gullable to assume the truth the way the media represented it?

Of course the newspaper article blames the music. Obviously, the asshole who did the psyche evaluation, sees some rock n roll degenerate into fucken heavy metal music, the music is where they're going to place the blame. They would say the same about any of us - blame any of our shortcomings in society on a love for 'aggresive' 'anti-social' music.

Of course the Defense Council would make that claim on behalf of his client! What I see in that article is alot of assumption and people speaking for the youth. Theres nothing that quotes the offender about his reasoning and motives.

I can say quite confidently that this kid did not cop out and blame his actions on fucken black metal as if he was fucken possessed by it to do its bidding. Obviously there must be a degree of influence by musical lifestyle, but this article has painted a false representation of the situation, which is understandable because it is dealing with a subculture that these newspaper boys and psychiactric shitheads know very little about and probably are very incapable of truly understanding.

Forget burning for the sake of our ancestors hundreds of years ago, the church still wants a state of oppression today! While I wouldn't personally get myself involved in this kind of arson, I commend this kid for having balls man. To be able to take some initiative and action instead of just being all talk is pretty liberating. :kickass:
I found this would like to share it...

Gaahl from Gorgoroth, his point of view

"Church burnings and all these things are, of course, things that I support 100 percent and it should have been done much more and will be done much more in the future. We have to remove every trace from what Christianity and the Semitic roots have to offer this world. Satanism is freedom for the individual to grow and to become Superman. Every man who is born to be king becomes king. Every man who is born to be a slave doesn't know Satan."
Thats stupid. If we raise all our kids to simply burn down buildings they don't like, what kind of society can you expect to have? I'll admit there's tons of problems in todays world, to say the least, but doing something as ridiculous as that (especially in Canada) is just counter productive, cause then most people definitely aren't going to listen to you.
what I think is retarded is everyone assuming this kid was on his knees crying for a break saying black metal made him do it because of the way the newspaper represented it.
your right dauden, it is pretty counter productive and obviously he didnt accomplish anything by doin so, but what kind of society is this already? Everyone is just a product of their environment and with the way people are conditioned in this day and age it's no wonder people feel the need to express themselves in such destructive ways.
I found this would like to share it...

Gaahl from Gorgoroth, his point of view

"Church burnings and all these things are, of course, things that I support 100 percent and it should have been done much more and will be done much more in the future. We have to remove every trace from what Christianity and the Semitic roots have to offer this world. Satanism is freedom for the individual to grow and to become Superman. Every man who is born to be king becomes king. Every man who is born to be a slave doesn't know Satan."

I remember that from "Metal: A Headbangers Journey".

What this kid did can be compared to what the Christians did to his ancestors (if that is the case) but I can't commend his actions in a modern day society. In Canada, we are given the right of free religion, and should respect all others. No, I'm not some bible thumping nut, and I don't believe in any gods, but I believe that we need to respect each others views to be productive in any way. Just for the sake of remaining at peace, tolerance should be preferred rather than destruction and violence.

The way the media represents this is all too familiar with the way Columbine was represented in the media. I bet the kid didn't even appreciate the damage he's done. It's safe to say that we don't know all the facts, but can assume he's ignorant of how severe something like this is.

Hopefully this discussion can remain civil, since I know religion can be a touchy subject for some people.
I remember that from "Metal: A Headbangers Journey".

What this kid did can be compared to what the Christians did to his ancestors (if that is the case) but I can't commend his actions in a modern day society. In Canada, we are given the right of free religion, and should respect all others. No, I'm not some bible thumping nut, and I don't believe in any gods, but I believe that we need to respect each others views to be productive in any way. Just for the sake of remaining at peace, tolerance should be preferred rather than destruction and violence.

I just have to severely disagree with this. Respect what you will. Telling me what I should and should not respect is totally unreasonable. I, and all other intelligent human beings, respect what we deem worthy of respect. That's my opinion, but damn it's a strong one!
I don't like the word 'tolerance', but I think it's necessary, and far more applicable in your context.
Probably, churches are tax free. Stupid churches, we should burn them all :p

And the government buildings for coming up with the rules, and all the houses of the people who voted them in... Or maybe I'll go have a soda :D
I found this would like to share it...

Gaahl from Gorgoroth, his point of view

"Church burnings and all these things are, of course, things that I support 100 percent and it should have been done much more and will be done much more in the future. We have to remove every trace from what Christianity and the Semitic roots have to offer this world. Satanism is freedom for the individual to grow and to become Superman. Every man who is born to be king becomes king. Every man who is born to be a slave doesn't know Satan."

Oh, Gaahl, you wonderful man.
Constant amusement.

Churches are just buildings; if people want to go in for all of this shit, why don't they just burn the christians?