Canadian Teen "Influenced By Black Metal Music" Wanted To Punish Churches

^ Agreed x1000. I dunno if I necessarily agree with the church burnings of the 90s, but there was two things going on there. 1, it was a scene, not a very big scene, but it was a group of crazy-ass people trying to make a statement, which is far more effective than one person. 2, the whole history of Christianity in Norway and Scandinavia isn't even comparable to that of North America, which makes burning a church here far more stupid. Anyway, yeah, stupid and lame.

Actually it is somewhat comparable. The native americans in both canada and the united states were severely effected by the religious/governing powers in years past... now regardless if this kid was native or not.. it was a stupid idea to burn down a church, especially next to a god damn police station (sigh... idiot).

I'm not siding with him or siding against him.. In many ways I feel the same about christianity as he might... when i look out my window at night, I see a giant 60-70 foot glowing cross up on the hill behind my house. Not something I particularly like... and dont think i haven't thought about taking an axe to it...(but i wouldn't, cause i'm not a retard).

I think people need to learn to deal with their issues internally rather than cause violence... Sure somebody's ancestor might have been wronged... but there is no reason to dwell on that. We live in a NEW world, and we have to take care of ourselves right now... not our past.
It's a shame to here this... metal is already looked down on by parts of society, and this sort of publicity will only reinforce any negative view points.