CAnadians should stop seal hunting...

F U all in the ear! Seal hunting is no big deal! Why the hell does anyone evin care there is alreadly laws in Canada prohibiting the obbsessive killing of seals. In order to kill a seal and leagaly sell the skin or meat you have to have a lisence and you are limited to the amout of seals you kill. It isnt like they are an indangerd spices. All they do is follow fishing boats and as soon as you catch a fish the seals will steal the fish. Seals also weigh about 200-400 pounds They will lye on the docks all night waiting for fishing boats and if enough of them get on the dock they will destroy the dock. Some people need to controll the population. In japan they are killing wails like there is no tomorow they will kill thoes wails till they are extinct at least in Canada they limit the amount they kill. O and they are anoying they bark twice as load as a dog and they stink!
Wow, that I did not expect to hear from the Hand of Milano.

I'm iffy on it, personally... Mostly because we have so many foreign fucking environmentalist shitfucks trying to fuck people out of jobs and make them dependent on the government. I almost want it to happen just to piss them off.
To many seals means less fish for people to eat.

To quote a former Alaskan Govenor "We cant let nature run wild."

Give me half a chance Ill jump to airial wolf hunts.

More fish more moose.
the red in the sky is ours said:
F U all in the ear! Seal hunting is no big deal! Why the hell does anyone evin care there is alreadly laws in Canada prohibiting the obbsessive killing of seals. In order to kill a seal and leagaly sell the skin or meat you have to have a lisence and you are limited to the amout of seals you kill. It isnt like they are an indangerd spices. All they do is follow fishing boats and as soon as you catch a fish the seals will steal the fish. Seals also weigh about 200-400 pounds They will lye on the docks all night waiting for fishing boats and if enough of them get on the dock they will destroy the dock. Some people need to controll the population. In japan they are killing wails like there is no tomorow they will kill thoes wails till they are extinct at least in Canada they limit the amount they kill. O and they are anoying they bark twice as load as a dog and they stink!
This is all true... Billy what were you doing on a animal rights site for anyway?
billy was on that forum cause really, he's not a tough guy. he really loves animals and hugs cute little puppies and gives puppies to orphans who he houses and gives shelter to while fighting for vegetarians saying how bad eating animals is.