Cancelled London & Brighton Gig!


Nov 12, 2004
The 7th July London & 8th July Brighton Gigs Cancelled and postponed for a later date

Here's a statement from Sikth

We regret to announce that the shows this weekend in london and brighton have been postponed. All tickets for this weekends events will still be valid for the rearranged dates, we will let you know when these dates are as soon as they are confirmed.

Please understand that we are FUCKING GUTTED to be letting you down and we were really looking forward to playing these shows!

Our apologies go out to the fans who bought tickets, the support bands and everyone who was involved in the organisation of these shows!

Once again these dates WILL be rearranged and not forgotten about like other bands postponed shows!

Check back later cos mikee will be giving a statement on the condition of his vocal chords or lack of them.

Sorry and thank you.


I have an inflamed throat caused by a throat virus I have had for over a month now. I tried lots of different medication throughout the month, and then booked an appointment in the ear, nose and throat specialist as soon as I could, which was this week.

I was told by my doctor not to sing, shout or whisper for a week.

I consulted my old vocal tutor and he agreed with the doctor saying that if I sing I will cause permanent damage to my vocal chords.

I am so sorry to everyone and to all those who have travelled far to get to these shows. I really wanted to play this weekend. But did not want this to be the last show I ever sing at.

Hope you understand and please come to the rest of the dates we are doing. Anyone who has tickets for Brighton or London more news will follow on rescheduled dates.

Im gutted about this! But I really hope Mikee gets better soon.

I have a bad feeling the dates will be rescheduled for when im away at Wacken Open Air.

Eeek! I hope not. Don't wanna miss Bio and my last chance to see Sikth with Mikee and Justin!!