so movie > written words
I don't know the facts, but I'm more than sceptical about "brand new methods to cure cancer". As long as it's not proofen it's not to recommend ...
Don't saying this is the case, but following your argument we should think that the Earth is flat instead of circle.
Chemio and Radio are not the solutions because you devastate the whole body to kill only the "bad" cells.
Here in Italy some years ago we had a doctor that create a method...the mother of a friend (she was terminal and the "right" methods didn't work anymore) tried it and she got lot of benefits, but unfortunately she was too late.
This doctor was considered a criminal by the "right" doctors.
What is ridicolous is the way the official medicine avoid every alternative solution...and in my opinion is the worst thing a scientist can do.
As I said, if everybody had followed the official science position, we still think that the Earth is the centre of the universe and that the sun rotate around the Earth.
Anyway Cancer, Aids, etc... are business. Don't saying they don't exist, but treat for years a illness is more profitable that solve the illness. Obviously lot of doctors work to find a solution, but BiG Pharma controls lot of doctors and lot of money.