Cancer is serious business

Nearly every single piece of evidence, statistic, and testimony was cited at the bottom of the screen throughout the movie. I'm convinced this is not a conspiracy theory. They made the case with rational, logical arguments with sufficient evidence to back up their claims. Dr. Burzynski is a respectable doctor who I believe has made an amazing discovery.
As is usually the case with this sort of thing, I'm sure the truth is somewhere in between "ZOMG HE CURED ALL CANCERSSSS" and "WTF THE GOVT IS IN A CONSPIRAXCY WITH CORPORATIONS TO KILL US ALL." That wouldn't make a very exciting movie though.
Yeah i mean he has made a fantastic discovery, but he hasnt cured all cancers, his treatment has a higher sucess rate and has no harsh side effects like radiation treatment does,

the only reason its being called a "cure" is because the defination of cure is a treatment that gives rids cancer for 5 years and most of his patients who the drugs worked for lived long normal lives afterwards
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Many of the doctors on the medical boards that make the decisions that all other doctors are meant to follow are bribed by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies for their own special interests. Comparing them to the Mafia would be degrading to mobsters everywhere.