- Mar 9, 2010
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Technical Brutal Death Metal band from Portugal!
Founded in the end of 2008 by DeadMeatGrinder, Canchroid first started with Neurological composing the songs and DeadMeatGrinder doing the vocals. 2 songs composed and online, Neurological left for unavailability reasons, leaving DeadMeatGrinder alone and seeking for new musicians to fill the free spots. After some talking Tiago Campos(ex-Fractura Exposta) accepted the proposal for playing guitars and along with him João Nunes(ex-Fábrica d Brinquedos, ex-Dados Viciados, Fuckface Reptillians, Cryptor Morbious Family) to play bass. After some more seeking for musicians, Tiago Campos knew two guys who accepted joining the band who were Emanuel as guitars and Miguel playing drums. Band complete, some composing and rehearsals, Emanuel and Miguel decided to leave due to unavailability. Now reduced to three members, João Nunes spoke to his friend João Santos(ex-Opium Dreams, ex-Fábrica d Brinquedos) and after some talking he accepted joining the band as guitars, with his creative ideas and compositions, great for the band. Now with 4 experienced and talented musicians, later on Ricardo Barrinho(Fábrica dBrinquedos) joined playing drums. Steady line-up, Canchroid composed and rehearsed to later be playing at the local festival Alentejo Sem Lei 2009 opening for internationally known Goregrind band Holocausto Canibal. Successfully did a good show and had good reviews by the crowd, Ricardo Barrinho decides to leave the band due to personal reasons. After some seeking for a new drummer, Ricardo Barrinho returns and Canchroid gets its line-up complete again ready to tear down the national stages and foreign lands.
DeadMeatGrinder - Vocals
Haemarthrosis - Guitar
Dr. Morgue - Guitar
Peter Pain - Bass
Oblivion - Drums
Official MySpace
Band : canchroid@hotmail.com (booking/pre-order/any other info/MSN)
Members : deadmeatgrinder@gmail.com
EP "The First Slaughtering" will be released 20th May!
This EP will cost 5 + shipping costs to Europe. America can also buy it, just ask us through e-mail.
Composed by 4 tracks which are:
1 - Slaughterhouse Orgy
2 - Blessed Bodies Rotting
3 - Decapitated Soldiers from Apocalypse
4 - Demência
Track from the EP available at our myspace : www.myspace.com/canchroid