Candlemass announce new vocalist!!!!!!!


May 15, 2004
Hendersonville, NC
Swedish doom legends CANDLEMASS have issued the following update:

"After months of auditions it is now official who replaces Messiah Marcolin in Candlemass. Robert Lowe, well known for his work with SOLITUDE AETURNUS, is the man who killed all the competition and showed that he beyond doubt is the most capable man for the job. A worthy successor!! Robert will still be fronting SA, but since there’s a whole ocean between the bands, we/Candlemass, feel that this is a great solution that is very beneficial for everybody. The mighty voice from Dallas Texas, is thrown into the fire immediately and is starting the vocal work on the new Candlemass album in a matter of days.

Candlemass are sure that the words “amazing” and “incredible” will be used to describe the result! Candlemass would also like to thank all the gifted singers who applied for the job. Many talents from all over the world have been heard. We are sure that they will continue to be heard for a long time, but not in Candlemass. The band have finally found the ideal replacement for Messiah Marcolin – Robert Lowe! The new album will KILL!!"

THis news makes me pretty happy, since I love both Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus. Lowe is a good choice!
Very unexpected indeed. As much pleased as I can be that Rob sings in the new Candlemass album, I hope this is just to finish the job and then the swedes will find a good tour replacement. After all like they said Rob is still fronting SA and they also will have to tour.
Anyone who likes SA and have listened to Last Chapter debut knows that Rob always delivers quality in vocals when it comes to classic doom, and if he's just a "hired gun" to finish Candlemass album it'll be done with pure class.

I would have expected they to pick Mats Leven (from Krux, Abstrakt Algebra) considering his credentials and long time work terms with Leif Endling. We'll see what comes out of this.

NP: Xentrix - 'Human Condition'