Candlemass new album review.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Candlemass is back!

The almighty doom outfit from Sweden is alive and kicking in the year of our Lady 2005, and ”Candlemass” is the brand new slab that delivers the unmistakable voice of Messiah Marcolin.

‘Black Dwarf’: kick-ass opener. Kind of epic power closer to Memento Mori on ‘Into The Unfathomable Tower’, tainted with pure Dio-era Sabbath riffing.

‘Seven Silver Keys’: now we are talking this is Candlemass in its juice. People have to love this one. Open up your dreams, seven silver keys. To open up your dreams, you need seven silver keys. Outstanding chorus!

‘Assassin Of The Light’: fantastic stuff, no loss of energy here. Messiah vocals are top-notch. And the guitar work is amazing. You can’t ask much more for true doom than this one.

‘Copernicus’: heavy and slow, crunchy riff, very atmospheric vocal work of Messiah. Reminds me of some Krux, as well as the ‘Black Sabbath’ eeriness.

‘The Man Who Fell From The Sky’: very heavy instrumental

‘Witches’: Again reminds me more of Memento Mori (not a bad thing ‘tho). Nice changes in pace throughout the song, the riffing is demolishing.

‘Born In A Tank’: fast (for Candlemass standards) and furious, pounding all along, relentless metal that will left the most jaded fan drooling. Reminds a lot of ‘Children Of The Grave’, ergo my fave of the bunch so far.

‘Spellbreaker’: the mother of life! Messiah nearly make shit my pants, what a powerful voice, it’s incredible all this years seemed like haven’t passed at all. The solo is great, lots of passion and a Middle-East vibe too, true metal alive. Seems to end and then comes back to keep delivering pounding.

‘The Day And The Night’: atmospheric start true inheritance of Sabbath legacy. Then it develops into a doom-by-numbers song. Messiah vocals are undoubtedly a highlight. The more I heard it, the more I salivate, and seems to go on forever, no rest, no pardon, no mercy (incidentally the longest track in the album 8:52)

‘Mars And Volcanos’: it reads bonus track, don’t know if it comes in the version available in May. Very good fast and short, that ends a bit prematurely IMO.

So for those of you having doubts, forget them this is what Candlemass is about, the true follow up to "Tales Of Creation" 16 years vanished in thin air.
Wyvern said:
Candlemass is back!

So for those of you having doubts, forget them this is what Candlemass is about, the true follow up to "Tales Of Creation" 16 years vanished in thin air.

The album is really strong and I'm really glad for the band!
This seems to be the year of strong comebacks... First Judas, now this...
What's next?
SickBoy said:
The album is really strong and I'm really glad for the band!
This seems to be the year of strong comebacks... First Judas, now this...
What's next?

"What's next?"... there's supposed to be a new Midnight album coming out soon, but from the couple of reviews I've read, it's not gonna be too Crimson Glory-esque...
SickBoy said:
The album is really strong and I'm really glad for the band!
This seems to be the year of strong comebacks... First Judas, now this...
What's next?

WELL... ONE WORD......

BRUCE! :worship:

Great review again Wyvern... I'll defo be checking this one out as well :rock: