Canes:Who was video guy on stage right?


New Metal Member
Nov 9, 2002
Lomita, CA
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Does anybody know who the guy with the Canon XL1 was on the stage? I would love to get with him and trade tape.

Great show, Jen, I am impresed that your voice survived. I can't imagine what your throat felt like the next day. I had a feed from the mix board to my video camera and you vocals were very clear on it.

Anyone out there with a video camera interested in shooting up coming shows please let me know!
oooooh if my Vocals were THAT clear...ya probably want to dump or overdub Aces High, Two Minutes and the first half of rime and the "odd note" during Hallowed. Amoungst other notes...He he he. The next day my poor throat felt like it had been scraped by razor blades. Thank God for Amoxycilan.

Thanks soooo much for taping that for us. I can't wait to see the video of that freaky guy who ran out playing AIR GUITAR and bumping into Wanda right as ACES HIGH started. FREAK-O!
Josephine's hubby, Danny, got that footage. We all had a laugh after seeing it. :)
Yeah, who was that guy? I thought Wanda did a good job avoiding total collision with him. I did get it on tape, but at the time I was trying to get the board op to give me the feed I had asked for...anyway, it is on tape but the sound is pretty bad at that point.
I will put the video onto VHS for you as soon as I can so you can hear it all. Ask Linda to forward you the email I sent with all my issues in re: video production value, etc.