Cannibal sounding intro w/newly obtained IK Multimedia plugin deals!

Just got the 6 for 1 deal, so I was wanting to try them out, so heres a short Cannibal sounding intro with 3 of the plugs on it. Dunno how it sounds as I am now where near a AE, but please feel free to comment on anything, be it good or bad, cheers. Please forgive the vocal, as I am definately not a singer, but I must say, FUCK ITS HARD to sing decently! Files/cannibalsuffoheadmaster01.wav
Sounds good and the vocals too. The drums sounds a bit compressed, raise the volume of the snare, I think it´s low.
Guitar sound is sweet, but kinda muffled. Really sounds like the CC tone ! Vocals are actually pretty good too, a little more practice and you got a great sound going there!
Cheers fellas. I love Cannibal and I tend to make 80% of the shit I write sound like them. Im trying to work harder on some Suffocation style riffage to go with the Cannibal sounding stuff. Vocals are just raw there. SM57 hand held above my head, coughing and choking after each take! :lol:

I am a fan of the Rutan Cannibal tone, I know its not Nevermore or anything like that, but I seriously dig the sound of their last 2 albums. In the next 2-3 weeks I will be scouring the forum on vocal productions to see if any info can help me out in that department.

I have come along way in the last 4-5 months in the recording world and its thanks to this forum. drums are sounding good, bass tones are getting way better, but the hardest thing I find is the guitar tones! Vocals dont worry me much at the moment, but guitar processing is something I wish to get much better at than anything else. but at the end of the day, you still have to write good material, whether the production is good or not.
Yeah, that's really true. As far as vocal production goes, then I can say that I've have gotten some killer results with my Studio Projects B1 (Cheap condensor mic) straight into my inspire interface. Just get a good take down, and then add a bit of reverb to sink into the mix and some delay for a more full sound. Also some compression/EQ if it needs it, but I feel that if you get a good enough take down then you don't really need much of it. But I do cut some lows and add some highs, mostly for adding some definition in the low growl stuff. I can upload a clip later so you can hear what I'm talking about.
Yeah, that's really true. As far as vocal production goes, then I can say that I've have gotten some killer results with my Studio Projects B1 (Cheap condensor mic) straight into my inspire interface. Just get a good take down, and then add a bit of reverb to sink into the mix and some delay for a more full sound. Also some compression/EQ if it needs it, but I feel that if you get a good enough take down then you don't really need much of it. But I do cut some lows and add some highs, mostly for adding some definition in the low growl stuff. I can upload a clip later so you can hear what I'm talking about.

That would be awesome mate, I will give your recommendations a go. I know nothing about vocals, (come to think of it, I know hardly nothing about the rest of it :lol:) and this would be a great start to yet another piece in this god damned almighty jigsaw puzzle that I am putting together.
guitars sound pretty close to the tone they've been getting with Rutan, if maybe a bit muddy and/or muffled. even the bass sounds pretty close. snare needs to be up a bit more.

vocals are great.
I liked your guitar tone alot! Can you share some insight of the guitarchain? Overall the mix sounds great to me, but I'd lower the volume on vox abit (not that they sound bad, but mixwise) :headbang:
I liked your guitar tone alot! Can you share some insight of the guitarchain? Overall the mix sounds great to me, but I'd lower the volume on vox abit (not that they sound bad, but mixwise) :headbang:

I don't think he needs to lower them, just put a little verb on them to set them in the mix , not in front of it. Need a little comp to.:headbang:
guitars sound pretty close to the tone they've been getting with Rutan, if maybe a bit muddy and/or muffled. even the bass sounds pretty close. snare needs to be up a bit more.

vocals are great.

Thanx mate. Youre right, a little less mudiness and a tad more presence would help out a lot. But how do get rid of mudiness?
I liked your guitar tone alot! Can you share some insight of the guitarchain? Overall the mix sounds great to me, but I'd lower the volume on vox abit (not that they sound bad, but mixwise) :headbang:

Thanx Toka. (The first riff is quadtracked with 2 different guitars), (the second riff is dual tracked with one guitar, me being a lazy cunt!).
I like the tone of the first riff which is quadtracked, better than the second riffs tone.

L100 RG7620 w/Blaze, L 80 K7 w/Paf7
R100 RG7620 w/Blaze, R 80 K7 w/Paf7

2 Ibanezs>Maxon 808>5150>Randall warhead 4x12 V30s>SM57.

I find the Paf7s to be quite "unmetal" but works well for note definition more so than "chunk".
there's too much bass running through the mix. I'd play around with a HP on either the guitars or the entire mix, maybe around 50-80hz.
wow very cool man!!!
i love cannibal corpse (but to be honest i prefer The Wretched Spawn sound rather than Kill etc) and I think your sound i VERY VERY CLOSE!!
but try to get rid off the mudds - inser BBE Sonic Maximalizer - this is what you need i think.
tell us what did you do to achive this sound?
Guitar is from amp or simulation?

Really !!!
wow very cool man!!!
i love cannibal corpse (but to be honest i prefer The Wretched Spawn sound rather than Kill etc) and I think your sound i VERY VERY CLOSE!!
but try to get rid off the mudds - inser BBE Sonic Maximalizer - this is what you need i think.
tell us what did you do to achive this sound?
Guitar is from amp or simulation?

Really !!!

Cheers Necro. Close to Wretched or Kill? I have a sonic maximizer, but it has a couple of mms of dust on it as I havent used it for 7 odd years! :lol:
Any other suggestions on getting rid of the mud, apart from the maximizer? (I find the BBE to work well with solid state amps, not tube amps for some reason). Maybe some added presence to add a bit of top end and a little cut around the 100hz mark?

Just 5150, sm57 ritual mate. No simulation, as I have never played through one or have a desire to anyway, just good old plain tubeiness. Love the Wretched tone too mate, great album as well.
Guitar tone is very close to CC, well done. To get rid of mudiness, you can insert a multi-band compressor on the guitar tracks - i.e. the infamous Andy Sneap C4 preset :)
Thanks for the info, I thought the amp might be Randall and I wouldn't have guessed it was 5150, but that is a crushing tone you've got there :kickass:
Close to Kill sound! (rutan \m/)
what interface do u use to record sm57?
and about the SonicMaximalizer - I mean a VST version od SonicMaximalizer :p