Can't believe there hasn't been a Bruno thread yet...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Personally, I liked it better than Borat. Granted, Bruno is a much less versatile character, but he worked with Bruno in the key areas and I thought it worked.

A bit too short I suppose, but based from what was in it, I'm guessing there was a ton cut for an R rating.

And go.
Pretty good. One or two scenes that don't work, but pretty hilarious throughout. I liked Borat ever so slightly more, though. Worth checkin' out.
I'd be hard pressed to believe that Sacha Baron Cohen doesn't have any characters left.
I'd be hard pressed to believe that Sacha Baron Cohen doesn't have any characters left.

Well, he's now used up the ones we know about, atleast. Retired Ali G ages ago, Borat was retired after the movie, and after the final press stuff, Bruno gets retired.

The imagination runs trying to figure out whats next... maybe a skinhead.
Yeah that's what I mean... I'm sure he's got something up his sleeve and I'm sure he knows it's going to have to be drastically different than any of the others to work successfully.
"He says your leader looks like a dirty wizard, or maybe a homeless Santa Claus."
When did they retire Ali G? They have season 2 just coming out on the Movie Network because they have the HBO channel now...Special rights or some shyt.
Bruno was fucking awesome. the theater wasn't packed since I saw it a few days after it came out so my friend and I just chilled and drank fat tire while watching it. It's probably the most hilariously offensive movie I've ever seen too. Some of the scenes I seriously was thinking what the fuck is this really on the screen right now. Definitely going to see it again when it comes out on dvd.
I liked Borat in places, but some other places just made me uncomfortable. It would be much funnier if they were all actors and not real; I know some of them were actors but not all of them were. The whole shitting in a bag thing at the dinner table was just too over the top. I laughed because it was fucked up and funny, but still...
Yeah, but that was the point. Those folks had every right to question him and ask what the fuck he was doing, but they didn't because they thought he was from Kazakhstan.
I know, and that's what kinda put me off. It wasn't Borat himself that I found unsettling...he was absolutely hilarious. It was the tolerance for just about anything that upset me. Everyone is so afraid of offending someone or being labeled a racist or xenophobe that they'll kindly excuse themselves when someone brings a bag of shit to the table instead of telling him to get the fuck out. But then again, uber Christians are strange. Case in point, he brings a bag of shit to the table and they all just get uncomfortable, but when he brings a sleazy, fat, black woman home they go apeshit crazy and throw him out.

I'm still curious whether they were upset more because she was a supposed prostitute or because she was black. Probably the latter.

I mean, the entire film is an expose' on the ridiculous PC environment in the states's like an experiment in sociology and psychology. But I think the guy at the news station actually lost his job because of Borat's antics. This is where it crosses the line. It's no longer funny when real people get hurt while you're "taking the piss", as you would say.