With a dark meat, I imagine a red would be best. However, given that this is "black" meat, wouldn't a 40oz bottle of Old English 800 be best? Maybe Wild Irish Rose?
Black people can cook up some good ol' slave style food. Turnip greens and chitlins, MMM MMM!
thats like picking weeds and scooping up carcass remains to make dinner.
But seriously, I thank the poor white/black southerners who developed a somewhat tasty style of food. Everytime I go back north and eat my grandmothers English style cooking Im glad the south lost and was reduced to poverty, cuz good food was born! I mean..a biscuit that is just water, bacon fat, and flour?! hell yes.
First a black woman microwaves her baby because there was nothing else in the house to snack on at 2:00 am and she was to lazy to go to the Quick mart, and now a husband bakes his wife because he didn't wanna shuffle down to the supermarket for a Thanksgiving Turkey! Shit!
Must be that old Head hunter strain bubbling up from their ancestors in the old country. Black people usually devour human flesh to gain power through their enemy's brains and hearts and nether portions. But these homeys seem to be cooking the whole enchilada just ot have a big ol banquet!