Why would you want to set there and be complacent and not question everything that the president does??? I would still question a democrat President..It is everyones natural right to question the President and if you don't think that this country is not going to regress back 20 years then you are dead wrong. Roe vs. Wade is going to be overturned, Bush made that perfectly clear that it is on his agenda at the debates. Do you seriously want to go to college if you lose your job???? Bush made the asinine comment that if people lose their job then they should go to school..The problem with that is people have mortgages, kids, ect., ect.,. These pell grants that he kept talking about to put people through college will not even cover a fraction of school costs....How do I know because I used them to help get my economics degree....How much do pell grants give you for the year? Hmmmm about 1,000 to 2,000 dolllars. How much does just 2 classes at MSU cost??, about 1,500 2,000 dollars and that is just 2 classes...How is that going to get me through school for the year? How am I going to live when I have a house payment and all the other bills that we all have. Also, lets face it some people have no desire to go to college or are just not made for school..I am going back to school right now and I am getting a degree in political science..My goal is to be state senator by the age of 35 and to keep going up the political ladder( I have the resources, connections and the strong will to do so)....I may be only 24 but the politcal connections that I have already would even make you go "Daaaamn"
. Also as far as Hillary being president....IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. I was at the State of Michigan's press conference after Kerry conceded with the governor and Michigan's U.S. senators and yes, you guys are right us(the Dems) are making a plan already, and it does not involve Hillary being President....It just will not happen. As far as a black president goes, I can say that if Borak(sic?) Obama does well in his tenure as a U.S. senator then that is who they will be looking towards as a possible candidate.
You guys are also right in thinking that the nation will be divided...That has always been the way it is. Hence the reason for 2 parties. As far as Bush getting the popular vote, you are absolutely right. The thing is that Bush only won by 3 percent. That is why I am saying that for every Bush suppporter there is another person who doesn't spport him. In a nation of 300,000,000 people you are foolish if you dont think that there isn't. 3,000,000 people is just a drop in the bucket with all things considered.. Finally and most importantly, over 55 million Americans voted for the candidate dubbed "The #1 Liberal in the Senate." That's more than the total number of voters who voted for either Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Gore. Again, more people voted for Kerry than Reagan. It was not a landslide defeat in the least so that is what I am saying. Hey, I can be angry, upset and bitter....Can't I? I would expect you guys to be if it went the other way. I think that the U.S. is in a serious dilemma...We
do need allies. To think that we don't is just arrogant. Who is to say that if we piss off alot of other countries that they will not team up and bring a war here..If the world was to join forces against the U.S. then we would be screwed and to not think so is wrong. Don't get me wrong we are the strongest in the world...But are we strong enough to take on the rest of the world if the rest of the world decides to attack us?
P.S. Try not to take offense to what I am saying...I have zero beef with you guys, quite the opposite actually. You guys are all cool in my book and I hope that T-Man, Prime and I are actually able to hang out when I go to Boston. I am just expressing my point of view and how I see things.