Can't decide: Bogner, Mesa Traditional, Mesa Oversized...4x12s


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Has anyone played all three?

The oversized is very tempting. It seems to have a lot of low end...but what other redeeming qualities does it have? I will be using a 5150 with this cabinet.

The Bogner screams quality from what I have heard, but is probably very similar to the Mesa traditional.

Thoughts? Recommendations?


mesa traditional is probably the one that most will suggest. i would assume that you would be better off with the venerable mesa 4 12 rather than spending more for the bogner. kinda like how a senn 421 isnt much better than a sm57, or a senn e609 is worse lol athough the e609 is more expensive
Has anyone played all three?

The oversized is very tempting. It seems to have a lot of low end...but what other redeeming qualities does it have? I will be using a 5150 with this cabinet.

The Bogner screams quality from what I have heard, but is probably very similar to the Mesa traditional.

Thoughts? Recommendations?



Andy, James, Colin Richardson, Suecof, Mark Lewis ..............list goes on.

FWIW, I have had both and found the OS to be better particularly with the 6505/5150. The combination of the 6505/5150's mids and the more mid-focussed Traditional gave too much honk. OS ftw.
Has anyone played all three?
The Bogner screams quality from what I have heard, but is probably very similar to the Mesa traditional.

Actually, they sound quite different. (Or were you referring to build quality?) Both are very well made, but comparing a Bogner bottom cab to a Mesa Traditional bottom cab, the Mesa Traditional is more mid and low-mid focussed. The Bogner is a little more scooped by comparison with a bigger low end and a little more sizzle on top. The Mesa has lots of mid presence, if that makes sense. It's a little more in-your-face, but not in a bright way. The Bogner has a broader frequency response, but is also a little looser and less focussed, although not in a bad way.

Mesa's V30's are a little different, too. They have a little more power capacity, and are voiced for slightly more mids compared to a standard off-the-shelf V30. They are also still made in England, as opposed to China, although I have no complaints with Chinese V30's.

You should really try both if you can and see what works best for the sound you like. I would say the Bogner sounds closer to a good (old!) Marshall cab, if that helps, with maybe a little less fizz and a hair more lowend.

Also, if you do a search, there was a cab shootout thread maybe a year ago that compared these cabs and a few others so you can hear some clips.
are you comparing bogner with V30's vs mesa traditional.
ì've had both cabs, bogner with V30 slanted and now a mes traditional, and in my experiency those cabs where exactly the other way around from what you are saying, more mids and less lows from the bogner, i think the mesa traditional sound better, more even..

Engl vintage pro is more scooped, would love to have one too, but you don't see them too much secondhand around here, and new they are + 900 Euro's.
Totally noob question: mesa oversized = mesa rectifier standard?? Sorry for such a stupid question :oops::cry: I can't find any info about mesa oversized cabs (even on their web site) :erk:
Totally noob question: mesa oversized = mesa rectifier standard?? Sorry for such a stupid question :oops::cry: I can't find any info about mesa oversized cabs (even on their web site) :erk:

Yep, Rectifier Standard = Mesa oversize
are you comparing bogner with V30's vs mesa traditional.
ì've had both cabs, bogner with V30 slanted and now a mes traditional, and in my experiency those cabs where exactly the other way around from what you are saying, more mids and less lows from the bogner, i think the mesa traditional sound better, more even..

Engl vintage pro is more scooped, would love to have one too, but you don't see them too much secondhand around here, and new they are + 900 Euro's.

Yes. It was a Bogner bottom (straight) cab with 16 ohm V30's compared to the Mesa bottom (straight) Traditional (smaller one) cab with the Mesa 8 Ohm V30's. :loco: :lol:

Personally, I think the Bogner slant cabs don't have as much low end as their bottom cabs, so yeah, I could imagine that the Bogner top cab might sound a little thinner than the Mesa Traditional. (I haven't compared those two directly myself.)
Put a deposit on an oversized Mesa. I'm picking it up on Friday. \m/

Thanks to all that helped with their opinions and knowledge.

I own a Bogner Uberkab and damn I love it. Bass response is incredible, and it's extremely tight. I can get a very sneapy kind of sound with it, and the possibility to mic G12T75 speakers too, which is cool !!
Mesa are a good choice for sure, they always work, but the Bogner is a killer choice for studio use.
I recorded some samples with this cab, hear them here :