Can't figure out what to get Jasonic for the holidays??

Thanks Lee,
Yeah, I never knew that they had never played a show with Johan back in the day. Kind of crazy that a band recorded a full length without ever playing at least one gig, though I know it has happened a lot throughout time.

Ok - Now that we got that out of the way, you guys gonna chip in or what????
Thanks Lee,
Yeah, I never knew that they had never played a show with Johan back in the day. Kind of crazy that a band recorded a full length without ever playing at least one gig, though I know it has happened a lot throughout time.

Ok - Now that we got that out of the way, you guys gonna chip in or what????

Sure. Did ya get Zod and I birthday presents yet? You know, both are on the 25th... :lol:
Sure. Did ya get Zod and I birthday presents yet? You know, both are on the 25th... :lol:

Sure, you want me to burn you some good doom stuff?
Send me your addy!

True story. I was at this Used CD store by my house this evening that once had an ANGRA used CD. I looked to see if it was there still, but no dice. I was planning on getting it if it was still there. Can't remember which one, may have been an EP actually.

I picked up some BOC instead.
Sure, you want me to burn you some good doom stuff?
Send me your addy!

True story. I was at this Used CD store by my house this evening that once had an ANGRA used CD. I looked to see if it was there still, but no dice. I was planning on getting it if it was still there. Can't remember which one, may have been an EP actually.

I picked up some BOC instead.

That's friggin' awesome that you actually wanted to buy it. They have two real good EPs (Freedom Call, including an awesome rendition of Priest's Painkiller) and Hunters and Prey.

I will take some Doom recommendations though. That will save you postage. Thank you for the offer. :)

BTW, if I find some good Doom in our used CD stores here, it's probably gonna go your way! :lol:
I must say you're pretty predictable, Jason. I read the subject and I knew exactly what item you were going to link to. That does look mighty cool though.
Happy B-Day everyone!!!

Simon - Yeah, that box looks sweet.

I got Tyrrany and Mutations, remastered, for $4.99!

AngraRULES - It was Hunters and Prey, I believe.
That'd be cool, to have a Secret Santa here too.

A good way to avoid the Jasonic effect though, would be to have everyone post 2-3 albums they have on their list. That way, whoever "picks" them, gets to choose which album to buy.
Maybe something where everyone posts bands/styles of music they're looking to get into, people post bands/styles of music they're expert in, and 3rd party matches them up? Mix CDs are sent?
I would even be willing to send an actual CD from my collection.
Not sure if folks would want to go that route.
We could even do a white elephant, where people can use this as an opportunity to get rid of a CD from their collection they could easily part with.

Obviously, we aren't going to use this to get rid of complete crap, but I am sure we all have something we no longer want or need in our collections which is still in the realm of metal that could be of interest to someone else.

Yeah, I guess we can also add in folks suggesting their desired genre to receive, so then someone can grab them if they know they have something from that genre to give up.

I just know for me personally, I might never get around to creating a mix CD! With having an IPOD for a few years, I haven't had blank CDR-s around the house for a while.
Hmmm.... Jasonic often has quotes of other posters praising him. That gave me a great idea for a Christmas present, but I was having a hard time trying to figure out how to wrap humility, so I gave up on it. Merry Christmas anyway bro !! Ha ha ha..... J/K. >:p~
